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Striking from the skies: A guide to offensive Skywrath

July 29, 2013 by TenshiN
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TenshiN (6) | July 29, 2013 12:42pm
Hello people and sorry for the late reply! Ancient, the items you say will be awesome on regular Skywrath Mage builds, but in this build, the main focus is firepower, with just a little bit of survivability. And that bit of survivability is supplied by the armor from Shiva's Guard, Veil of Discord, and by a bit of health from Rod of Atos. While Sheepstick would be great should you play a support-ish Skywrath when the game calls for it, it is too expensive for the firepower/survivability effects it provides. Same with Orchid. I hope that explains why i didn't add those items into the build. Cheers!
Ancient Hero (17) | July 24, 2013 7:43am
You missed a Sheepstick which is crucial on int heros late game for the CC that it offers and the 35 int from it boosts your Q. Also, orchid is missing, although you already have a silence, the 30% damage amplify gives a nice boost to your burst damage.
BonVoyage628 | July 24, 2013 7:26am
I agree with NumbSchiller and samukobo that Q is ur primary damage, but i can see the point from the writer of this build.
Yes, u can add more damage by buy int item, like atos, force, etc.
For an example let's count what a Rod of Atos and Force do to the damage
As u can see, both of it will give u 35 int that will give u 56 more magic damage to ur Q for each 2s.
It will give great boost to the damage, but the Q have it's weakness, it's the slow projectile moving time.
Yes we have silence to make sure our target is not blink away, but the 6s means just 3 Q to the combo. We have our ulti ! But in most cases, enemy that buy force staff is imposibble to kill now, silence didnt stop the force staff thus make us cant use R to it's full potency.
Meanwhile, dagon can help in these "fast-killing-combo" for heroes like AM, QoP and FORCE STAFF !
well of course u msut see ur enemy first, when lot of them didnt have powerful escape mechanism, u should follow the usual build that will make u tankier, otherwise u can use the writer's build.
samukobo (28) | July 20, 2013 2:06am
It has a lot of damage, that's for sure. If you're playing skywrath as a magical carry (which is also valid regardless of being a non-standard thing) then it raises his DPS by a lot.

But like someone also said and it's not that practical. His DPS from his Q is raised by getting INT and that is safer, especially when your build only raises his damage and not his mana.

Overall, I won't say it's a troll build, but it really does make him more of a glass cannon, which he already is.
TenshiN (6) | July 19, 2013 3:36am
Hello Numb, and thanks for your opinion! Although, i will disagree a bit, its not really a trollbuild, but more like "snowballing" build, which is really effective if you can get it rolling. Like i said in the guide itself, the build dictates some additional rules to your behaviour - never go alone without your teammates, preferrably stay back and stick in after the teamfight had already started and they wasted all their initial stuns and stuff. Like that, i am often a few shots short of a nearly-instant rampage. Heck, i've even been a carry-like Skywrath quite often when i do this!
And ohh, i really do think Dagon is the best item you can ever get on him. Even just stacking it with his innate Ancient Seal makes its damage skyrocket, 2-hitting squishies and immediately starting to target someone else. I propose you try doing it like this, and maybe you will like it, who knows? ;)
NumbSchiller | July 19, 2013 3:06am
It is more kind of a funbuild and not really usefull in a close game. If you can and want to troll the enemys go for it. Otherwise use one of the more solid guides out there.

His CDs are so damn low you dont really need a Dagon to boost your dmg. Stack up int and get some nice manaregen to spam your spells all day long.
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