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7 Votes

Stormcaller - Because too Many Guides say Disruptor

November 1, 2013 by Tyerker
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TheSofa (54) | July 10, 2014 3:34pm
T1mmay wrote:

You are as bad as kyfoid sb4eva :p

kdane4 | January 12, 2014 2:53am
Great guide. +1
Tyerker (2) | October 28, 2013 10:13am
Updated the guide now with a Semi-Support and Hard Support guide separate.
MeatWaad (1) | October 11, 2013 8:24am
DadiSingkit wrote:

Nice guide. Though a bit of a problem about the 15min ALMOST meka, boots and bracer, for a hard support who don't last hit and buys wards. Unless of course the team is ultimately owning. But Overall good guide!

Or if you're going MID, I think you could achieve that amount of gold last-hitting and denying

Nice guide!
R-Conqueror (24) | September 25, 2013 5:04pm
T1mmay (6) | September 25, 2013 3:45pm
You are as bad as kyfoid sb4eva :p
SPIRITBREAKER4EVA | September 22, 2013 10:05pm
I think your guide is informative, however i believe that you need a Mask of Madness. Please review my guide:
DadiSingkit (2) | September 21, 2013 11:58am
Nice guide. Though a bit of a problem about the 15min ALMOST meka, boots and bracer, for a hard support who don't last hit and buys wards. Unless of course the team is ultimately owning. But Overall good guide!
Tyerker (2) | September 20, 2013 10:06am
OK tweaked a few things.

I have wards and TP listed in the "Always have room for these" section, so I figured it was understood to keep your team warded. I don't want to buy 2 more branches because I wouldn't build them into anything. I don't like the idea of selling / dropping items when I don't need them any more. Every item in this build serves a purpose. You are right, however, about the regen. I just haven't found it necessary to have more than the Tango yet. I can usually outlast my lane partner on the initial push, and then as he comes back from his first trip back, I switch him, but a TP, and perhaps finish Bracer by that point.

I changed the midgame build a bit, swapping out Veil of Discord for an Urn of Shadows instead.

Also updated the boots section with a bit more of my reasoning for Power Treads.

Thanks for all of the tips.
bERt0r | September 20, 2013 2:02am
Never buy a circlet with starting gold, it is way too expensive. You can buy 2 branches for half the price (and you would have room for it). You are also lacking regen with only one Tango. Always get a Tango and a Savle at least. And wards or are you trying playing Disruptor as a carry? All those items you want to have at 12 minutes seem a bit unrealistic to me when playing a 4 or 5 position hero.
Tyerker (2) | September 19, 2013 9:48am
Ya, in retrospect Veil of Discord could probably be interchangeable with Vladmir's Offering depending on the makeup of your team. Or maybe Force Staff or Eul's Scepter of Divinity should be part of his core...

I will make the section about Glimpse more clear.

Thank you for the pointers.
T1mmay (6) | September 19, 2013 7:44am
One of my favourite hereos, hence my icon :-)

I didn't think you could use Eul's Scepter of Divinity on allies, but pretty sure Sando knows better than me :p
Force Staff is a brilliant item on Disruptor as the cast range for Kinetic Field is not that big and a force staff can get you in the right place for it.
Never get a Vanguard on this guy, if you are facing a lot of auto attack damage from hereos, get Ghost Scepter, it's cheaper, and scales better for late game survivability as it's not damage block.
Quite a few guides say that Veil of Discord is a good item on this hero, but I just don't think it suits him at all. On tanky spellcasters its great as they can make the most of the armour, such as Sand King, but with squishy Disruptor it doesn't offer the health he needs, and by the time you get it the hereos that require the extra damage to die have bkb's.
Haven't tried Power Treads on him before but seems like a great idea, although Mana Boots would still be good if your team has mana hungry people in it.
Also, an 8k gold core item list for a hard support seems a bit hopeful, maybe rethink how long it will take him to get those items.

Finally, you have to mention using Glimpse to get rid of an enemy if they have just teleported in, it's such a satisfying thing to see as they go back to where they came from :-)
It's a nice guide, just a few changes maybe, but it's your guide, do whatever you want :p
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