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11 Votes

Step up your game! - Becoming a good player

January 12, 2014 by Sphinkhy
Comments: 4    |    Views: 10136    |   

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badaxxx | January 13, 2014 4:11pm
Nice guides

We need more guide like this.
most guide about how to build the heroes and roles of the heroes.
but NONE of them are telling "WHEN" to do the skill, "DO's" and "DON'T" never tell.
most of the time its irritating when your teammate is stun a target which is already stunned...
or "eul's tornado" when sniper already aim on it.

I consider my self a noob in dota2. but I found that when my team is loosing the game because of lack of communication and doing "single fighter" doesnt want to help each other.
example keep on pushing the creeps while the last towers under attack, or doing jungle hunt without warding on the enemy's teritory... in the end of the games he got 2/18/3.

its not about having a good items, lots of gold or lots of kills. its about working together and a good communications.

To be very honest.... this community need more of the GENERAL GUIDE, specially on "Do's" and "Dont's"

oh btw
#1. can anyone write about the counter heroes? example if enemy choose "Heroes A" and the best heroes to kill him is "Heroes B,C and D"
#2. and Heroes combo


Sphinkhy (1) | January 13, 2014 7:51am
Thanks for the comments so far!

TEL9021 wrote:

It's guides like these the community needs, not more hard carry hero guides. Keep it up!

^this is more or less my thought as well.

If someone is new to dota 2 and he comes to dotafire to learn something he will find lots of guides on lets say Antimage, but it is more important to be able to play well in general.

It is not just beginners, however. Most people with 500+ wins can still learn a good deal from this guide.
TEL9021 (5) | January 12, 2014 1:56pm
It's guides like these the community needs, not more hard carry hero guides. Keep it up!
LG3N Star | January 12, 2014 9:13am
Nice Guide! Maybe add a part about when to push and something about roshan? Other than that, this was a great guide and I feel lots of players (including myself) will benefit from it.

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