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41 Votes

Step lively now, your Admiral is on board! A Kunkka guide!

February 20, 2013 by depparted
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pickdrow | August 13, 2013 7:23am
very nice guide. +1 from me!
one thing you might wanna try out:
does desolater work on kunnka? because i think the damage and the armour reduction might be useful like AC, the difference is one gives attack speed and one gives damage.
just wondering if you could try it out and tell me if it works thanks!

anywanys very nice guide, helped me a lot, especially the armlet, was amazing! =]
Lt. Steve | July 25, 2013 4:19am
Hate to tell you but the damage done to the cleave's secondary targets is independent of the main cleave target. If you buy a Quelling Blade and hit a creep, every creep that gets splashed would take the extra 35% damage but the splashed enemy hero would not. It is the same with damage modifiers such as Armour. Hitting a low Armour target will not strictly "boost" your damage to the other targets, as such Assault Cuirass is kind of a waste. However, it is still better to splash a creep rather than your target as the splash (although it says it is physical damage) is essentially pure and is unaffected by Armour.

For example, if you hit a unit for 100dmg and Armour value reduced it to only 70dmg, all the other units nearby would still take the full 100dmg regardless.

Other than the slight issue with mechanics, an overall good guide. Keep it up!
CyAnoXRono | April 2, 2013 7:46am
Kunkka cant have a quelling blade i thought...
TenshiN (6) | March 12, 2013 7:11am
Enjoyed the guide, enjoyed the hero, definite +1
Zefie | January 25, 2013 7:39am
Poetastrophe wrote:

Really nice guide overall, not really anything bad to say about, just a few mentions:

I think that Crit-Kunkka strategy lost a lot of potential since Shadow Blade's bonus damage would not get multiplied by crits (

Shadow Blade does what, 150 damage extra? 150*2.4-150 = 210. You lost a potential 210 damage and with a crit chance of 25%, you lost 53 damage on average. It's not THAT huge, especially if you've only got Crystalys (in which case you lost an average of 23 damage per hit)
dynasty987 (6) | January 15, 2013 7:53am
depparted wrote:

Cleave actually depends on the damage you deal on the first taget, that's the damage that gets applied in the AOE.
So if you get AC, you reduce the armor on the first target, getting bonus damage on everyone.

Exactly. Also if possible, pick a low armour target to open on so that their big tanky dragon knight in the middle suddenly finds all his armour useless.
depparted (3) | January 11, 2013 2:07pm
kazza wrote:

Good guide overall but with one big flaw about the tidebringer passive. The tooltip says that the bonus damage is physical witch is true but since the tidebringer also is a cleave it follows the "rules" for cleaves. Cleave damage dose not get reduced at all by armor so to make things simple you could say that the tidebringer deals true damage (sort of) to all units hit by the cleave, however the armor of the main unit struck will decre***e the damage dealt to that specific unit because it does not count as being hit with a cleave. based on that information buying ***ult curi*** for the armor reduction might be considerd a waste of gold and an important item slot. Getting the ***ult curi*** for survivability might still be valid but recommending ***ult curi*** because of the armor reduction is missleading. I strongly feel that you should mention the fact that the tidebringer cleave bypasses enemy armor and also change the justification for ***ult curi***. Other than that a great guide! :) +1

Cleave actually depends on the damage you deal on the first taget, that's the damage that gets applied in the AOE.
So if you get AC, you reduce the armor on the first target, getting bonus damage on everyone.
iPell | January 8, 2013 5:49am
Had to vote +1.

your guide is absolutely amazing, I like it very much :D!
Keep going like this!
kazza (1) | January 8, 2013 3:17am
Good guide overall but with one big flaw about the tidebringer passive. The tooltip says that the bonus damage is physical witch is true but since the tidebringer also is a cleave it follows the "rules" for cleaves. Cleave damage dose not get reduced at all by armor so to make things simple you could say that the tidebringer deals true damage (sort of) to all units hit by the cleave, however the armor of the main unit struck will decre***e the damage dealt to that specific unit because it does not count as being hit with a cleave. based on that information buying ***ult curi*** for the armor reduction might be considerd a waste of gold and an important item slot. Getting the ***ult curi*** for survivability might still be valid but recommending ***ult curi*** because of the armor reduction is missleading. I strongly feel that you should mention the fact that the tidebringer cleave bypasses enemy armor and also change the justification for ***ult curi***. Other than that a great guide! :) +1
dsn1389 (1) | January 7, 2013 1:20am
hey there. I'd like to know what do you consider early game? By what minute mark should i have battle fury? On mortred and magina i usually get it by 16-17th minute,but i think it should be made within 12-13 mins on kunkka since he has great gold advantage in early game.
SuperNova (16) | January 3, 2013 10:30pm
LiLPr0 wrote:

Like you?

yes. that was what i used to do.
I dont think Im pro (unlike you)
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