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64 Votes

Steel Wins Battles, Gold Wins Wars (7.31)

March 2, 2022 by Alien Righteousness
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Hades4u (296) | February 25, 2020 1:04am
Hey, thank you for coming back with an update! :)

I've seen recently in some pro matches Meteor Hammer built on Dragon Knight, have you had the chance to try it out?
Hikame | May 29, 2019 5:04am
Cool guide
i easily get streak by this guide vs like tinker, storm, clinkz, invoker, drow, sniper
and i just added aghanim in 7.22 after SnY if enemy got huge magic nuke
but easily destroyed by Monkey King too in midlane haha, idk how to face him on mid
MK keep rush me and he collect jingu mastery so easy from me
AttackHelicopter (1) | January 5, 2019 10:57pm
Personally< I say that Phase is good for Davion now more than ever. The additional attack speed, armor plus Phase's active is surely better than flat stats and damage. Or you know you can Mordiggian yourself. Also you better have 2 Bracers, don't be a Micheal Jackson wannabe. Overall this is good, I'll try this sometimes, there are items here I forgot exist (like armlet and Halberd) so I guess I'll give this a go.
LordVesper (5) | April 23, 2018 7:04pm
Great guide! Although, I would like to argue that Pipe of Insight is better for Dragon Knight than Heart of Tarrasque if your sole purpose is to tank up against magic. This not only benefits you but helps your team too! Perhaps add it as another situational item?
knight96-1994 (2) | May 2, 2017 1:07pm
Great guide. I appreciate playing DK but I never shined at all. A couple of tips are actually very very interesting.
Well written, well formatted
Alien Righteousness (1) | May 15, 2017 11:14pm
Really appreciate that. Would be interested in hearing what in particular you found interesting. Do check out the new comments I added on ancients stacking, as of 7.06. I think Davion received a huge buff through neutrals spawning every one minute.
JuanJD | April 5, 2017 5:58am
Great job man! I really love DK so I aprecciate the effort you make to keep this guide updated.
Alien Righteousness (1) | April 5, 2017 8:51pm
I appreciate it. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I'm always up for discussing my favorite hero.
Sesleri | March 6, 2017 10:16am
Awesome guide thanks for this.
Mowen (17) | January 4, 2017 11:10am
BTW it would be good to add the levels you pick talents at to your skill selection. Instead of leaving it blank you can indicate to players to pick a talent at that level. :)
Alien Righteousness (1) | January 6, 2017 7:25pm
Added. Thanks.
kianmir | July 9, 2016 5:15am
I wanted to say your guide is great. but last game i went a mid build vs invoker. my build was Treads>HoTD>Maelstorm>Hyperstone>Mjo>second hyperstone>AC>bkb (by the time the game was finished). yes i know i was vs invoker and i died once purely to his combo.. but... honestly their "huge" stunner i mean ogre magi had left the game already and invoker simply couldn't land a 5-man tornado... and the only stun he has is the tornado really (cold snap doesn't count its a mini-stun) and i simply dominated them with my attackspeed. this build would even get into the late-game if a daedalus was built because carries simply can't hold such strong crits every 2-3 seconds. i ended the game with the best stats in the form of 11/4/4 (it was a 35 min game.. i could reach 20+ kills if it was a longer game)
Alien Righteousness (1) | July 16, 2016 2:57pm
Thanks for the comment and congrats on the win. You must have had VERY high GPM to afford those items in 35 min. Based on your build I have one strong suggestion and a couple of minor suggestion:

1. I strongly recommend you build BKB earlier against Invoker. He has only one spell that pierces spell immunity (Sun Strike), which means he can do nothing but right-click in most team fights since he usually dumps all of this main spells at once. Casters like Invoker are also stronger in the early and mid game, since their spell damage scales poorly, therefore you effectively bought your BKB when it was least relevant.

2. DK doesn't have any attack modifiers that proc, therefore attack speed really isn't that great on him in and of itself. Mjollnir is worth building because it provides more AOE to your attack *and* that AOE damage is magical. Therefore, it is good against illusion heroes as well as high armor heroes. Were you against such heroes? If not, this build might have been a waste. Personally I would recommended Crystalis over Hyperstone. Between Mjollnir and AC your crits will proc quite often.

3. Why did you build HOTD? If not to stack ancients, I would strongly recommend you get Armlet instead. It is basically core on DK these days, now that it grants +4 armor when active. DK's base damage is pretty low for a carry, so Armlet gives you the extra punch you need to really impact the early and mid game.

Just some things to chew on. If you feel comfortable with your build, then I'm not going to tell to stop using it. It is a pretty cool magic-damage build since Mjollnir is proc'ing so often. Maybe you should call it "Puff the Magic Dragon" :D
Tshirt | June 20, 2016 1:56am
Dragon Knight rocks, is one of the best tank ever
Alien Righteousness (1) | February 4, 2016 6:38pm
Crucial Dude wrote:

Awesome guide - just add Terrorblade to the heroes with a melee and ranged attack.

Good catch! Done!
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