Stats to VICTORY <3
December 18, 2012
Hello Peeps,
So here's my 1st guide so any mistake or anything you wish to point out you can leave a comment on the section below :D
My guide is how to play Furion LIKE A BOSS..
for SOME of you guys might have seen or tried this build before.
I tried this build for 10 matches and I only lose 1 round. I know that u will say Furion is a pusher and a ganker. So why didnt i add 'Nature Call'?? because if you notice this is a carry version of furion.
Anyway,I am going to emphasize more on Furion's role on the next few chapters.
Pros & Cons
- Incredibly mobile
- Good stats gain
- Excellent farming speed after midas!
- Fits well in carry or pushing build
- Deals heavy damage
- teleport CD faster than teleport scroll upon max
- NC with ease
- Last hit hero
- Item dependent
- No Stun or Slow
- Sprout require timing and accuracy
- No escape skill and quite paper
- Requires good map awareness
Picking Hero and Lane.
So, Furion or No Furion?
Guys, its a 5v5 game not 1v1...Like i say my furion build is a carry version and not a pusher.
So beat it your team is full of mid or late game heroes furion will perfectly fit in.
Whether you are in RADIANT or DIRE NEVER take MID. Why? i tell you why.
Firstly, you dont have any harassing skill so by taking the middle lane wll be your BIGGEST dis-advantage thus you will start roaming around to gang and K.S when you have sprout and teleportation.
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