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Spoiled Rotten: UnrulySupportGuy's Guide to a Set-up Pudge

December 9, 2014 by UnrulySupportGuy
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wangyuphing (9) | December 16, 2014 12:46am
I used them a few times in the past, and it works. But it was like 2010. Or 2011, I forgot. But now it's not possible anymore. Shame, hook + blink is a devastating combo XD
Btw thanks for the info guys!
Bunkansee (32) | December 15, 2014 2:48pm

To wangyuphing, I have used blink while hooking people before, and I think they've always gone to the spot where he was originally standing while Pudka just goes on his merry way. That combo I use for when there's an especially annoying melee hero like Wraith King and there's going to be a fight. Alternatively, you could put your farmed Sniper on the high ground where he's safe for the most part. :D

I think the blink hook combo got changed awhile ago, so fountain hooks were not possible anymore. Now the hooked hero goes to where pudge was originally standing when he hooked them.
UnrulySupportGuy (1) | December 14, 2014 12:51pm
Took a while for me to respond because I've been busy XD

To Te Wheke, Always fun to play the ******* every once in a while and just go mid or feed XD. But yes, generally mid heroes shouldn't fight, and recently I've seen a lot of Pudge safelaners, since he can just sit in the trees, so that's another option.

To Bukansee, I recently just played techies in a low prio match with my friend (obviously it was him with the low prio due to router issues), and yes, that guy's speed makes Crystal Maiden look like Olympic dash status. While tank items are great, and you can always get tankier, there's a limit heroes that are really tanky can do without damage, and Aghanim's Scepter allows for Pudge to do just that with his ult, just like Safecyn mentioned actually. Plus if you're playing Pudge right, you'll get tanky on Flesh Heap alone.

To ElDiablo, everytime Terrorblade is picked in a pub match, a baby is strangled and killed. Heart is ******edly good on Pudge when he gets his Agh's upgrade.

To wangyuphing, I have used blink while hooking people before, and I think they've always gone to the spot where he was originally standing while Pudka just goes on his merry way. That combo I use for when there's an especially annoying melee hero like Wraith King and there's going to be a fight. Alternatively, you could put your farmed Sniper on the high ground where he's safe for the most part. :D
wangyuphing (9) | December 12, 2014 9:56pm
Have you ever seen a Meat Hook --> Blink Dagger combo, when your enemy is hooked mid-air, and you blink so that you enemy got hooked further?
ElDiablo (10) | December 10, 2014 10:23pm
Nice detailed guide but it needs some color and pictures.
Just one thing, a little kitten gets killed everytime someone builds a heart on Pudge.
Safecyn (32) | December 10, 2014 2:55pm
Aghanim's Scepter IS a pretty good item on Pudge in my opinion, not that anyone asked. XD

Seriously, though: not only does it give you lifesteal on your Dismember, but it also makes the damage scale based on your strength, which is theoretically infinite. Granted, this IS all wasted if the enemy has Black King Bar, but now that the max duration of that thing late game is five seconds, you can always wait, or use it on one of their supports: with the bonus damage, you're almost guaranteed to murder them.

Agh's also has the added benefit of significantly padding the butcher's mana pool, so you don't find yourself as starved for spells. And like... stats are good on Pudge too? Like, kinda. Like, as good as stats are on any other hero.
Bunkansee (32) | December 10, 2014 12:23pm
Also, Techies is the slowest hero in the game, moving at 270 (yeesh) :p

I don't play pudge, but I often see people choosing to skip aghanims sceptre compltely on him and go for tank items. Is aghs like, always good to get?
Te Wheke | December 10, 2014 4:12am
You forgot:

When not to pick Pudge:

- When your team already has a mid hero.

Alternatively, when to pick Pudge:

- 10 seconds after the game has started and your team already has a mid hero, because f**k your team mates.
Unscathed (47) | December 10, 2014 12:07am
Pudge is not the hero who really needs to tank up.

I'd better off getting euls or force over a core hood.
UnrulySupportGuy (1) | December 9, 2014 11:35pm
To aqws2, Really? I thought she moved at 320. Hmm, well thanks for that. I haven't played Luna much, all I know is that she's the fastest hero in the game.

To UltraSuperHyper, agreed. I would love to have visual images, but I can't seem to get my stack to cooperate with me when it comes to Dotafire, as they see it as a gathering place for scrubs and wrong builds. However when I get the chance, I'll throw some in there, thank you for reading. ^-^

To Unscathed, well, to each his own, and stacking more Magic Resistance is never a bad thing. Normally I hold off building it into a Pipe of Insight until after I get things like Aghanim's Scepter unless the team holds a lot of magical burst damage on the other end, which of course I'll build it first. I put in there that in other cases you may choose to build Vanguard if the team's physical output outweighs the magical by a large amount, but overall most teams have a fairly balanced amount of both. But thank you for reading.
Unscathed (47) | December 9, 2014 10:34pm
dont really liked hood as a core.

sure it blocks the rot damage, but getting it only is really useless.

put it on situationals.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | December 9, 2014 8:25pm
Extremely detailed! Although looks like a wall of text. Adding a few pictures or so demonstrating the situations you've told about would make it look better.
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