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Very nice Guide. It was my start with SB.
But there is one mistake in your description for Nether Strike. You wrote "Teleportation and damage is delayed 1 second while Spirit Breaker is fading out; Spirit Breaker is magic immune for this time period.".
Thats not correct, you can be interupted and thats happen often to me against betterplayers when i charge in a teamfight. So now i try to use NS to go in a teamfight and charge after it.
Oops, sorry, i forgot to change that from when i originally wrote the guide! Thanks!
But there is one mistake in your description for Nether Strike. You wrote "Teleportation and damage is delayed 1 second while Spirit Breaker is fading out; Spirit Breaker is magic immune for this time period.".
Thats not correct, you can be interupted and thats happen often to me against betterplayers when i charge in a teamfight. So now i try to use NS to go in a teamfight and charge after it.
You put agamin Scepter twice in the items section, its good or bad for the spirit breaker??, regardless good guide it really helps
Whoops! that was an accident. :(
I suggest an early SnY for the attspd and the strength boost right after urns and treads. It provides well-rounded stats and can be disassembled and made into Halberd if necessary; didn't even mention the huge mspd boost to make charge and bash hella stronger. Also, armlet is defly a more valid choice than MoM (I built MoM once in a pub game and got nuked down sooooo fast)
The SnY follows up really nicely after Shadow Blade - makes you do some nice auto attack damage on top of a decent-ish slow and awesome movespeed.
Great idea on maxing E first, I have seen a lot of players max Q or W first, which lower their damage potential badly.
Maybe you can add a troll build, which is rush dagon, this will ruin someone's day in pub :D
The hero is a little annoying in that you kinda need to get a good charge at level 6 to make sure you keep up. Bad ganks can really ruin your game.