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8 Votes

Spin! Cut! Shred! A guide to Timbersaw

January 25, 2016 by Cyryna
Comments: 8    |    Views: 78158    |   

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masaaki14 (11) | June 25, 2016 7:27pm
Apart from playing timber as a classic offlaner, you can consider putting him mid. He is capable of going head to head against some of the meta mid heroes now, and is very hard to kill, thus making him capable of surving ganks from one or even two supports. He is one of the best, if not the best answer to Alchemist mid, there is nothing Alchemist can do if you max reactive armour first. Dk does nothing with his fire-breathing, since you hardly do any right clicking. Most of the other mid heroes will find a hard time killing timber to gain an advantage
MrFairyTale | June 25, 2016 4:24pm
great work! keep it up-to-date plz :)
Yorky | June 21, 2016 12:38pm
Nice clear guide +1 from me.
STRIXnyctea (1) | June 20, 2016 3:54pm
hey, i like your guide. i build the same way (skill wise)

a couple things:
.you may want to update your info about atos and blade mail (as one was nerfed[no true strike on cripple] and one was buffed[returns same type of damage dealt])
.i really dig the when to pick/when not to pick section

nice guide! wish more people read these sorts of things in my 3k pubs/ranked games
Manta_ray | February 7, 2016 12:04pm
Ive played so much timbersaw ive forgot how to play other heroes. Nice guide tho yet. You get a vote from me
DreamPeddler | February 7, 2016 2:33am
Timber's quite a terrible hero when playing against people who actually know how the hero works. Timber chain's limitation on only targetting trees makes it highly jukeable and easy to see coming, and chakram's speed is slow as balls. Also, the lack of trees inside high ground gimps him immensely in scenarios when trying to end the game. No disables, hard countered by silences and mana drain, I don't see a good place for this hero in any draft unless it's to specifically hard counter heroes like Huskar.
Tadeog | January 26, 2016 12:26pm
Simple and effective. Take my +1
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | January 25, 2016 11:01am
Hello Cyryna,

your guide is pretty solid work. +1 from me.
I agree with your skill and item build reasoning (though I am one of the Timber Chain first players in most cases). Well written and explained over all. The layout/design is pretty straight, but nice. This is defintely the right way to go!

As you already mentioned there are some chapters and topics you could expand on as you like.
You should really do that!

Have a nice day, E1
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