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86 Votes

Spectre the Alternative Guides (ANTI alt-tab)

November 24, 2013 by Sp12
Comments: 66    |    Views: 513725    |   

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Brinlee | March 23, 2014 7:44pm
i would like to see videos of people playing these builds
Taniss99 | March 10, 2014 9:16pm
You have a few technical errors, as according to the wiki at least, dispersion blocks and reflects before armor and other block, and, although this one might be wrong depending on how illusions are handled, you won't get assist gold unless you're within x radius of the kill, so activating your ult for assist gold won't help.

Edit: I tested it it and you most definitely dont get gold for getting an assist but not being in the kill zone
whooper | February 13, 2014 4:39pm
old bt better that what i knew
Taverson | February 9, 2014 11:55am
Awesome guide!
But in the all in you could add a battlefury it qoukd be really fun
Firtox | January 8, 2014 2:38am
Spectre is my most played hero, and i have a double win rate with her. I usually won't get a roh, simply because of the fact that she will usually be using her ulti alot to assist in teamfights across the map (but not haunting in) which generally uses up her mana faster than she will get harassed down. Also she is great for tping back to base, Then ulting and haunting back to lane. Other than that, (midas) phase boots (rarely treads) into radiance/ (mijolnir if you have a really bad time and you have a good possiblility of getting raxed before the 30 min mark) Then skadi/heart then butterfly/manta is the build that is suitable in most situations.
SoulxDragonZ | December 1, 2013 6:44am
Hi i really do like your guide a lot, especially the array of builds you offer. It is always interesting to try different item builds! I actually found the refresher orb idea quite refreshing :D It really tears teams apart. Anyway i do have one question though, regarding dispersion, clearly states that 'Damage reduction takes place before others such as block and armor', so i don't think dispersion deals less damage with items like Vanguard or with increased armor. I have also tried it in game and it seems to corroborate this because spec can deal tons of dmg that does seem more than 22% and the only explanation would point to not factoring in damage reduction elements. So i was hoping you can clarify this, but anyway really great guide bro, +1 and favorited!
Horrorshow | October 30, 2013 9:23pm
Vanguard and Radience is a main-steam bulid and it is usually to greedy. Spectres save up for the Radience and dont end up haveing any items(Making them feed) :/ These builds are great because you will have the items you need!
DrunkFighter | October 13, 2013 5:50am
Why no BF build for spectre? It gives sustain, mana regen., DPS and it's good for farming.
indusporus | September 29, 2013 11:20am
I'm loving the manta build. Tranquils/ drums allows you to farm in jungle quite decently. Once you get Manta, you can kill lone heroes very very easily. On a 8-match win streak with manta first build :)
3ear | September 14, 2013 2:17am
I was just registered a sec ago to vote for this guide , This is the best spectre guide I've seen before on the internet . Cool !
Petro96 | September 13, 2013 12:28am
Have you considered a build where you rush Diifusal Blade?
Have tried it quite a few times, gives you great chasing power and great stats!
Except for that a nice build, that really show how many ways you can play spectre!
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