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Witch Doctor is a support hero that if played correctly can greatly in crease your teams chances of winning due to his Paralyzing Cask and his Death Ward ult, in this guide i will teach you how to play the fav support hero in Dota2.
Paralyzing Cask
Launches a cask of paralyzing powder that ricochets between enemy units, stunning and damaging those it hits.
This is your Q skill and the skill that will be most used while playing witch doctor Paralyzing cask is helpful when trying to do a little push to give your teammates a chance to push another tower using this skill in a situation like that will provide you with some decent goal and will also cause a decent distraction.
Also this is your main way of farming. But be sure when using this skill for farming that you are not taking farm from any of the carries on your team as they need farm more then you will.
Voodoo Restoration
Witch Doctor focuses his magic to heal nearby allied units.
Voodoo restoration is your W skill while at early game this skill is pretty much useless it does become more useful towards end game.
Voodoo restoration is best used when a team fight is going on or in between team fights to help your allies recover.
Curses all enemy Heroes in an area, causing them to take damage every 4 seconds, adding bonus damage for every 100 HP lost since the curse began
Maledict is your E skill and is a very nice DOT when used correctly can help decide the tide of a team fight
Due to its short cast range and small AOE your gonna wanna try to time this spell when you can time at least 2 targets
The Bonus damage is a plus as in team fights it can help take down a target very quickly while everyone focus it.
Death Ward
CHANNELED - Summons a deadly ward to attack enemy heroes. The Death Ward has attack range of 700, and attacks every .25 seconds. Level 3 Death Ward bounces once. Lasts 8 seconds. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Death Ward is your R Your Ult and is deadly when used in team fights the best part is you have control over what your ward will target
The Best time to use Death ward is in the middle of a team time once everyone has engaged getting a prefect placement may be tricky but you want the ward to be in range of all heros as once it starts attacking they can drop quick
At the start of the game you have 2 options as show above
Your core items are a magic wand, urn of shadows WARDS, and always have as tp on you
I primarly use urn of shadows as another dot to go with Maledict cant go wrong there more damage will always help your team win the heal is decent in between fights but if your allies are not the brightest they might not notice and will get the heal taken off by taking damage.
Boots- there are 2 options for boots arcane are your best bet and always the safest but if you find that alot of your teammates are going arcane you might wanna pick up phase boots the speed boost when actived can be very helpful when trying to escape if you are being ganked. and the bonus damage is always a plus.
Situational- depending on the situation these items are what your looking at getting
Mech- this is your first choice. unless you see some one else already building one that is
Drums- the cheapest option there for getting one shouldnt be to hard.
BKB and Aghanim's Scepter- should not be your first second or even third choice but if your teams down and you havnt been dying much the combo is deadly very costly but lvl 3 Wards plus Scepter is and amazing combo pop BKB and start channeling the wards and soon enough it will be GG haha
Pipe- another choice not the greatest but is still useful if you have the farm for it
Necronomicon- Kind of a wild card requires a some micro but the mana burn and speed aura is always a plus and if some how u max it out true sight is helpful as well
When laning early game your going to want to focus mainly on denying and harrassing when a kill chance pops up throw out your q and watch the target fall due
Mid game your gonna want to stick with the team and get some tower pushes if your teams not doing so good you can try to protect a tower but be careful as you are squishy
Late game all team fights that all you should be worried about. your deadly when your with your team so stick with them.
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