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28 Votes

Some Idiot's Guide to Zeus

February 22, 2017 by Safecyn
Comments: 30    |    Views: 177085    |   

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Mowen (17) | January 4, 2017 11:11am
Hey, looks like you have one extra point in Arc Lightning at 17? At least I'm assuming you can only level it up 4 times. :D
Hard Carry | November 27, 2015 8:27am
I can highly recommend Octarine Core after you have completed Bottle, Arcane Boots and Veil of Discord. I've played about 30 games in a row with him, admittedly on pubs, and the spammability the core provides is amazing. The ultimate is available every minute (just over), and the two spells you spam already are even more frequently available! Indeed it almost feels like you can throw Arc Lightning constantly ... scares the s**t out of enemies hanging around nearby.

Also you are nice and tanky due to the Veil of Discord and stats gain from Octarine Core (although no differently to if you had Bloodstone instead). Its not like you run out of mana quickly by the time you achieve these items + your damage output it even more painful. Oh, and you farm like a boss :)

The health regen that people notice on this item is just another nice little side effect really, its not why you get it, but it adds to your already surprising tankiness (for an INT hero)...

As a rule you should be incredibly map aware too. You have a global damage skill that can help in any lane so you need to keep an eye on them as often as permits. It can revel hidden heros as well so should not be fired off without a little thought.

And yes there ARE situations where you should kill steal. The most obvious is where a support is about to get a kill... you are more important to get kills to snowball nicely. Of course don't do it if your carry can make it, but that is always the case in any game. Hopefully that's not too controversial because I adhere to this approach and its won us most of our games!
the other Mark | September 23, 2015 7:48pm
How about Octarine on him? It would make him a beast. Int, HP, Mana and boosted HP and mana regen, all things he craves. HP regen from magical damage dealt? I did some quick math with some rounded numbers and no hero magic resistance. With all spells maxed he would deal about 4600 in magical damage with Q W R. That would be 1150 in HP regen. This doesn't even count the damage to creeps. The cost is huge but you are already going to have Mana Boots that you can break down so that is 900 off the cost. I forgot to mention the spell cooldown reducer by 25%.
TheSofa (54) | April 24, 2015 12:31am
Hey Safecyn... a task for you.

Could you create a spreadsheet for how much damage a standard Q-W-R with max E would do with every single combination of magic amp and resist possible?

Thanks bro, gonna play Zeus now.
Tigerre (4) | December 20, 2014 3:45am
GREAT GUIDE, EPIC COMMENTS AS THERE ARE NONE SAYING THAT ZEUS IS A NOOBISH HERO... I have to plus one this guide. But hang on, you're a ****ing idiot. Zeus is the king of KSing among the noob heroes... Yeah, well STFU, you're supposed to be in my guides, not my comments... ANYWHOOOO.

I have a couple of creative-criticism things to add.

1. Check out this guy: I say this because Merlini is one of the best Zeus players out there.

2. I have to say I don't agree with the starting items.WTF YO TALK 'BOUT BOY?? YOU STUPID OR WHAT? :V Tell that to Merlini... I do the starting items that Merlini does personally, IE a Clarity and an Ironwood Branch, this allows for a faster Bottle than the more common Bottle rush build. It also allows a lot of Arc Lightnings to be cast, can't be ****ed doing the math. School holidays, so ya know.

3. Solo offlane Zeus is better than most people think.WTF, again. you're being an idiot Tigerre, solo offlane Zeus is **** as ****. No really, I'm not going to forgive you for saying this, it's almost as bad as mid Rubik, OMFG NOOBSTFU, again you interrupt me in MY comment. ANYWHOO. This is proof of how Zeus can beat a tri-lane(YYes, I know this is a DOTA 1 game, but it still proves my point)

4. Can't be ****ed thinking of another thing :P

+1 from me!
SandyClaws | November 10, 2014 5:58am
SandyClaws knows all xD
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 9, 2014 4:34pm
The nameless ones have known all along.
Safecyn (32) | November 9, 2014 4:00pm

SandyClaws | November 9, 2014 1:12pm
It can't be.....
That you are trying to imitate Ogre Magi and the other guy is your second head...
Or am I just delusional?

Anywho nice guide

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