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29 Votes

Some Idiot's Guide to Ogre Magi

November 22, 2014 by Safecyn
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eduhmell0 | July 7, 2015 5:53pm
I created an account just to say this: ****ING AWESOME!!!!
ChiChi (47) | March 13, 2015 6:06pm
That math hurt my eyes... :)

Just kidding. +1! Funny, complete, and interesting!
unarcher | March 13, 2015 3:54pm
After more than 250 games with Ogre my 2 cents :

Aghanim's Scepter is so powerful that I agree, it's core on him.
I did not play with it first 150 games. Now, I just cant imagine any late game without scepter.
Sometimes, a lucky multicast Fireblast and Unrefined Fireblast and you just crush any opponent, even some fed carry. It give you so much more power lategame.

As starting items, just one set of tango is not enough. You need to take hits for your carry and throw hits at opponents to let him farm.
Most of times my starting items :
Ring of Regen a set of Tango and wards or courrier. You naturally regen 2.5 HP/s, with ring up to 4,5 HP/s, so you can trade hits with ennemies in your favor during lane phase cause it's a lot early game. Really hard to harass you

For boots, always take Tranquil Boots over Arcane Boots if you are going for Soul Ring.
Soul Ring take care of early mana problems and you already have Ring of Regen as starting item.
Ogre lacks a bit of mobility it take care of it to help him roam and assist in kills and casting this ****ing short range stun when chasing ;) Extra armor helps too in beeing a solid early mid game tank
Romark14 (7) | December 2, 2014 8:38am
I've been playing a lot of Ogre over the last couple of weeks. Nearly always play him either as a standard support or a roamer. I will generally skill Ignite at lvl 1 (unless there is a skirmish at the rune), purely for the harass.
I think in a Solo offlane situation i would want the 1.5s stun from Fireblast for some escape though. With how slow you are i'd rather have them stationary then biting at my heels!
Orb of Venom needs included. It is great on Ogre Magi, especially a roamer. But i can see advantages on a solo laner. That Support that keeps wrapping around to harass? See how he likes a nice little DoT and 12% slow! With the damage you can put out early on i dont think they will be doing too much harassing.

Great guide though, the maths is impeccable (i assume) and, aside from lvl 1/2, the skillbuild is spot on. +1

P.S. I'm another that goes Aghs > Shiva's Guard Such a good pickup and it is manageable while buying those much needed supporty items.
Safecyn (32) | November 29, 2014 11:43am
Basher iS listed in the luxury section, and has its own justification right next to the item icon... -_-

I'll be sure to address it in the Discussion section, though, which I'll be writing up in the next few days. Loving the conversations! Wish I had time to participate more fully in them right now. ;_;
TheSofa (54) | November 29, 2014 8:41am
Basher? Why?

Usually Ogre is played as a support... Basher can be a ultra-super-really-mega-luxury, I guess.
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | November 29, 2014 5:16am
What big discourse over ignite v/s Fireblast!!

If i have to give my input over this, i would say level Fireblast. I f you are offlane and get caught out of position, you are dead eitherways whatever you skill.

And to everyone who are engaged in this heated battle, let me put one thing in front of you, you all agree on skillbuild lvl2 onwards!! why this confusion?

If you roam, take fireblast.
If you lane, take whatever you like(aside from trilane in which case stun is your best bet)

Am i wrong in anyway? I think this is what consolidates all your veiws.

PS: Can the author explain the viability of basher in this guide? I asked once, but no reply :{(
Sando (118) | November 29, 2014 3:35am
TheSofa wrote:

I've seen Level 1 ignite in pro games too, I think it's because the slow is a bit better than the short stun of the Fireblast at level one and Ignite deals more damage at level one.

I'm not entirely sure, however.

Combined quotes from a few peeps - if you were in an appropriate trilane going for FB then I can see this because of the damage (20% slow for 5 seconds is less impact than 0% movement for 1.5 seconds), but in the offlane? Personally I'd want that stun as the closest thing I have for an escape. You shouldn't be spamming level 1 Ignite for harassment, the DPM is really poor (95 for 130 at level 1, you get an extra 74 for 10 mana at level 2!).

Ultimately I still think he's probably better as a roaming support though...
Cuttleboss (28) | November 28, 2014 9:54pm
Safecyn, this is really great and funny. Is it weird that I suddenly want to do a Dota based discussion webseries with you? I have two youtube channels, but none with any Dota stuff (because computer not strong enough to record that stuff).
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | November 27, 2014 9:43pm
why does he have basher in Luxuries? Isnt ogre a support? He does meagre right click and his attack speed is laughable(attack animation is sick tho)

It would be nice if you add a game play section on how to proceed with things, where to lane, and your priorities at different stages of game.
I like the maths,but i love the game play explanations.

And how do you give Rep to this?
TheSofa (54) | November 27, 2014 8:31pm
Whoops, my bad.
Safecyn (32) | November 27, 2014 8:17pm
Easy there, man, it's not THAT good a spell at level 1. Keep in mind, the damage scales as you level it too, so instead of 50 dps * 5 seconds for 250, it's actually 26 dps * 5 seconds for 130. Still more than Fireblast, but not enough to take almost half of a Sniper's health away. :D
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