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Some call me Crixalis (6.86 patch)

December 21, 2015 by shap3dg
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kianmir | June 30, 2016 2:53am
Another thing, apart from the courier chicken problem (-.-) is... your guide is full of wrong info and that shows clearly that you do not play the game much. you say E-Blade is core on sand king. while i never built it and i never saw anyone build it either. Eul's can't save allies either. i think you need to PLAY THE GAME instead of doing research on the internet about the game. if you listen to my advice, you will get some really good guides out. with this Time and excitement you have, you should be able to send some pretty good guides. like the guides of Goo Gaming or Sando. they do both research, and play the game a lot. Good luck on your next guides!
Hamstertamer (89) | June 30, 2016 6:05am
There's a pretty popular cosmetic item which makes the courier a chicken. A lot of dota players call him a chicken actually :)

For E-blade, look at Pirate for example, one of the top SK players on dotabuff

It builds from Ghost Scepter which is great on him for obvious reasons, and it's the only item with Veil of Discord that can significantly increase SK's magic damage output, which makes it a pretty good option.
Dimonychan (43) | June 30, 2016 7:04am
It's not because of the cosmetics, it's because in 1st dota the courier had a chicken icon. In CIS dota courier is almost exclusively called chicken even by new players.

And a flying courier used have a crow icon, hence "bottlecrow".
kianmir | June 30, 2016 2:46am
ChiChi (47) | June 30, 2016 5:48am
Kianmir, the courier is often called chicken. It's just Dota slang.

The same way, do not forget all the guides on this site do not necessarily show the correct way of playing a certain hero, but only the opinion of the person that wrote the guide on it. That means that shap here thinks E-Blade is core for whatever reasons, we might not agree, but then instead of saying it is wrong information, which we reserve for those cases where the actual numbers or facts are wrong (which happens to the best, for instance Sando had that problem himself with patch changes).

Not accusing you of being rude nor anything, on the contrary, but a healthy conversation about E-blade being core or not should have arguments for and against, not only "this is wrong cause no one I saw does it" because that limits it a bit.

If you do find a lot of info that is wrong in your opinion why not list it and send it through PM to the guide's author? That will help him improve a lot more.

Btw notice it says core in the guide but on the top item build E-Blade appears as situational. I also already saw it build sometimes :) and the core Blink Aghs is legit, although instead of Aghs there should be Veil of Discord, most people do it on SK nowadays cause it gives more damage and it's a good item to have on your team as well.

As for the guide itself anyway, besides the Veil of Discord that I suggest you consider adding, well done, detailed and interesting.

shap3dg | December 23, 2015 7:53am
miturian wrote:

warlock's golems can't be purge-killed anymore :(

how about skipping blink and going straight for agh's instead?

Oh my bad I will fix it asap.

I tried to skip blink and rushing for aghanim's in ranked matches but personally I feel that the blink dagger cannot be skipped because it offers a second enter/escape mechanism and it is cheaper than scepter so you can farm it faster.

Remember that with SK you have to get kills as fast as possible so delaying your core items it will be more difficult to kill heroes as the game goes longer.

I will only skip blink for scepter if I am extremely rich (very rare cases).
miturian | December 23, 2015 2:50am
warlock's golems can't be purge-killed anymore :(

how about skipping blink and going straight for agh's instead?
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