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I hate to sound like a broken record, but see Dr. D's guide to formatting. Simple things like these will make your guide much more appealing!
Have fun DOTAfire-ing!
I think this is very viable provided you play reasonably passively and don't give your opponents any chance to gank you - especially once you hit 6 it's very possible to get a kill with
The real advantage of this setup is that:
1) You get to deny gold/xp to the enemy lane, this is especially damaging to hard carries and trilanes.
2) It allows you to play against really nasty kill lanes - by not giving them the chance to get kills you blunt their early game, and some lanes are some dangerous that not even a "proper" offlane can realistically go against them.
3) The denies guarantee you get a certain amount of XP regardless.
The only things I'd note:
- Don't do it against a strong early push lane, you don't want the likes of
- Careful against lanes with a lot of dive potential - if they've got the likes of
- Consider
The Mek/Aghs choice comes down to what the rest of your team makes, but generally get the Mek if nobody else is. The nice thing about having