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Solo Mid Viper - By Piyawat

April 17, 2016 by Piyawat
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Solo Mid

DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Predator (Innate)

Poison Attack

1 4 5 7


3 8 9 10

Corrosive Skin

2 12 13 14

Viper Strike

6 11 16


15 17 18

Solo Mid Viper - By Piyawat

April 17, 2016

Solo Mid


This Build is for Solo Middle as Viper


Starting game Items:

Tango - Most basic Items
Clarity - To regen your Mana
Slippers of agility - To get better damage and last hit
Smoke of deceit - A sudden attack by Poison attack will kill most hero like Pudge,Zues etc.

Early game Items:

Boot of speed - Viper movement speed is very slow so you better get this thing
Drum of Endurance - More movement speed = more chance to flee and to chase down your enemie
Urn of Shadow - Viper can kill most hero quickly so you can gain charges quickly
Shadow Amulet - To build Shadow Blade
Yasha - To build Manta Style
Hyperstone - Faster attack speed = Faster Poison attack (If you have a lot of gold you can build Moon Shard)

Core Items:

Shadow blade - Too flee and to do sudden attack
Boot of travel - To get better movement speed and to stop buying sh#tty Portal Scroll
Manta Style - Illusion!
Heart of Tarrasque - Lot of Health :>
Moon Shard - Faster attack speed = Faster Poison attack

Luxury Items:

Divine Rapier - Buy this if you think you won't die easily
Silver Edge - Yea.... better than shadow blade
Blink Dagger - To Blink and chase down enemies (You should have Blink Dagger if there are Anti mage or
Queen of Pain in another team)

Situational Items:

Observer Ward - Yeah Ward....(If Support is noob then buy this for yourself)
Sentry Ward - To see Invisible enemies
Linken Sphere - If there are Legion Commander in another team then you should buy this so it will block Duel
Blood Stone - If your team is losing then buy this

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