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I agree that what you're saying makes sense in certain situations, but I think mine makes sense in others. It's not set in stone, I suppose, but pubs so rarely see treants (let alone treants that use Guise effectively) that the odds of them actively getting a lot of detection is something I almost never see. I'll try prioritizing stats more for a few games, just to see how it makes a difference.
Someone obviously has never tried to cast spells with Treant Protector.
Leech Seed gets you out of ganks, and also augments kills.
Is there a citation for " Living Armor has a minimum damage threshold"? I cannot find it anywhere- this is true for Refraction but I don't believe it is true for Tree.
I believe it was included in one of the patches that buffed Treant a few months ago, I know it was one of the things that made us believe that Treant could be a more viable pick. I'll look for a direct source later but for now I just know out of experience from playing tree and playing against him as a Dark Seer.
I main Treant and I have to say, the number of times I have saved myself or an ally with Nature's Guise is off the charts, mainly because who buys invis detection to counter a treant? No one that's not in a professional game, pretty much. If you or your allies carry TPs you'll save them so many times along with yourself. That cooldown and mana cost can easily save you more often than that 38 HP can.
Also, stats on a support treant is pretty useless.
And consider skilling one point in it very early on, because you shouldn't be using Leech Seed a ton early game anyways, so you should have the mana to get out of a nasty gank.
I'm not making the point that Guise isn't a good skill, it's a perfectly fine skill, but:
a) Teams will buy detection against a tree. It's not just pro teams, it's players who understand that they're losing kills by not buying detection. I've never thought "well it's only a tree invis, I might as well not buy rev". The only argument that I could see you making is that I'm more likely to buy Sents/Gem as opposed to Dust when playing against a Tree so that I can have counterward ability as well.
b) The point is that leveling up Guise doesn't provide enough of a benefit for it to be worth more than one point - two at most. A slightly reduced cooldown and slightly lower mana cost doesn't mean much. You make the point that the reduced mana cost could save me, but at level 12 mana shouldn't be an issue combined with the fact that going stats to give me 26 extra mana is more than the mana reduction.
Someone obviously has never tried to cast spells with Treant Protector.
And consider skilling one point in it very early on, because you shouldn't be using Leech Seed a ton early game anyways, so you should have the mana to get out of a nasty gank.
Leech Seed gets you out of ganks, and also augments kills.
Is there a citation for " Living Armor has a minimum damage threshold"? I cannot find it anywhere- this is true for Refraction but I don't believe it is true for Tree.
I main Treant and I have to say, the number of times I have saved myself or an ally with Nature's Guise is off the charts, mainly because who buys invis detection to counter a treant? No one that's not in a professional game, pretty much. If you or your allies carry TPs you'll save them so many times along with yourself. That cooldown and mana cost can easily save you more often than that 38 HP can.
Also, stats on a support treant is pretty useless.
And consider skilling one point in it very early on, because you shouldn't be using Leech Seed a ton early game anyways, so you should have the mana to get out of a nasty gank.
Hmm, in pub matches, level 1 Nature's Guise is enough. But, if your enemies have good teamwork, level 1 will not even be close to enough. Well, basically, it is situational against who you're up against.
Normally, I will max Nature's Guise last with a single point at level 4 to help my mid laner if wants an early gank. It looks a tad boring with a wall of words. I would assume you would add pictures and a little more details?
getting only 1 level in Guise - why does everyone do this? I mean, level 1 is completely worthless when compared to level 4 - and it's really good as a ganking mechanism based on my experience. How does 3 levels of stats become better than the benefits from that?
Otherwise, the guide is fine, just add more pics, add some videos, and talk about the gameplay.
Oh, and blademail on situational is nice.
In my recent experience both ringing and in IHL I have never found myself using Nature's Guise more than once or twice per game. The basic reasons are that I never find myself using the skill very much and that leveling the ability doesn’t cause it to scale at all. You’re rarely going to use Guise as a mechanism to insure an initiation (that’s what surge, blinks and force staves are for) and a good team will be prepared for it with sentrys/gem after you surprise them once. Getting Guise at level four actually decreases your ganking potential during the early game since Smoke does what Guise does (except better) and you lose out on the extra damage of Leech Seed. I believe that Guise is an “oh ****, I’m getting ganked” spell and nothing more and this is especially true now that more and more teams are buying early gems for counterwarding purposes since 6.78. Besides that, lets look at the spell and what’s gained by leveling it:
Causes the targeted unit to blend in with the forest, becoming invisible to enemies and gaining a movement speed bonus when near a tree. If the unit moves away from a tree or the spell is cast on a unit with no nearby trees, Guise is lost.
Range: 300
Duration: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60
Fade Time: 2
Tree Radius: 375
Bonus Movement Speed: 10%
The benefits of leveling the spell from level one to two is:
An increase in duration of 15 seconds
A decrease in mana by 10
A reduction in CD by 2 seconds
None of these benefits really matter, it doesn't increase the effectiveness of the spell - it only increases the maximum amount of people that can be guise'd at any one time (even mid-tier pubs buy detection early against teams that abuse/heavily use invis) while reducing your mana load (extremely unimportant by level 12-14). Getting one level of stats doesn’t do that much but in my opinion it offers a larger benefit than an extra level of Guise
Hmm, in pub matches, level 1 Nature's Guise is enough. But, if your enemies have good teamwork, level 1 will not even be close to enough. Well, basically, it is situational against who you're up against.
Normally, I will max Nature's Guise last with a single point at level 4 to help my mid laner if wants an early gank. It looks a tad boring with a wall of words. I would assume you would add pictures and a little more details?
getting only 1 level in Guise - why does everyone do this? I mean, level 1 is completely worthless when compared to level 4 - and it's really good as a ganking mechanism based on my experience. How does 3 levels of stats become better than the benefits from that?
Otherwise, the guide is fine, just add more pics, add some videos, and talk about the gameplay.
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You don't have the mana to cast leech seed much early on, and stats are great on any hero, treant included, but all of his skills are more useful.
True, but that is why you buy clarities in the first place. You can and should *cast* leech seed early on when it is going to do something.
Someone obviously has never tried to cast spells with
Leech Seed gets you out of ganks, and also augments kills.
Is there a citation for "
I believe it was included in one of the patches that buffed Treant a few months ago, I know it was one of the things that made us believe that Treant could be a more viable pick. I'll look for a direct source later but for now I just know out of experience from playing tree and playing against him as a Dark Seer.
I main Treant and I have to say, the number of times I have saved myself or an ally with
Also, stats on a support treant is pretty useless.
And consider skilling one point in it very early on, because you shouldn't be using
I'm not making the point that Guise isn't a good skill, it's a perfectly fine skill, but:
a) Teams will buy detection against a tree. It's not just pro teams, it's players who understand that they're losing kills by not buying detection. I've never thought "well it's only a tree invis, I might as well not buy rev". The only argument that I could see you making is that I'm more likely to buy Sents/Gem as opposed to Dust when playing against a Tree so that I can have counterward ability as well.
b) The point is that leveling up Guise doesn't provide enough of a benefit for it to be worth more than one point - two at most. A slightly reduced cooldown and slightly lower mana cost doesn't mean much. You make the point that the reduced mana cost could save me, but at level 12 mana shouldn't be an issue combined with the fact that going stats to give me 26 extra mana is more than the mana reduction.
Someone obviously has never tried to cast spells with
Leech Seed gets you out of ganks, and also augments kills.
Is there a citation for "
Also, stats on a support treant is pretty useless.
And consider skilling one point in it very early on, because you shouldn't be using
Hmm, in pub matches, level 1
Normally, I will max
getting only 1 level in Guise - why does everyone do this? I mean, level 1 is completely worthless when compared to level 4 - and it's really good as a ganking mechanism based on my experience. How does 3 levels of stats become better than the benefits from that?
Otherwise, the guide is fine, just add more pics, add some videos, and talk about the gameplay.
Oh, and blademail on situational is nice.
In my recent experience both ringing and in IHL I have never found myself using Nature's Guise more than once or twice per game. The basic reasons are that I never find myself using the skill very much and that leveling the ability doesn’t cause it to scale at all. You’re rarely going to use Guise as a mechanism to insure an initiation (that’s what surge, blinks and force staves are for) and a good team will be prepared for it with sentrys/gem after you surprise them once. Getting Guise at level four actually decreases your ganking potential during the early game since Smoke does what Guise does (except better) and you lose out on the extra damage of Leech Seed. I believe that Guise is an “oh ****, I’m getting ganked” spell and nothing more and this is especially true now that more and more teams are buying early gems for counterwarding purposes since 6.78. Besides that, lets look at the spell and what’s gained by leveling it:
Causes the targeted unit to blend in with the forest, becoming invisible to enemies and gaining a movement speed bonus when near a tree. If the unit moves away from a tree or the spell is cast on a unit with no nearby trees, Guise is lost.
Range: 300
Duration: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60
Fade Time: 2
Tree Radius: 375
Bonus Movement Speed: 10%
Mana Cost: 90 / 80 / 70 / 60 Cooldown Time: 10 / 8 / 6 / 4
The benefits of leveling the spell from level one to two is:
An increase in duration of 15 seconds
A decrease in mana by 10
A reduction in CD by 2 seconds
None of these benefits really matter, it doesn't increase the effectiveness of the spell - it only increases the maximum amount of people that can be guise'd at any one time (even mid-tier pubs buy detection early against teams that abuse/heavily use invis) while reducing your mana load (extremely unimportant by level 12-14). Getting one level of stats doesn’t do that much but in my opinion it offers a larger benefit than an extra level of Guise
Normally, I will max
Otherwise, the guide is fine, just add more pics, add some videos, and talk about the gameplay.
Oh, and blademail on situational is nice.