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Why didn't this guy here read this?! :(
(You know it's legit to abandon a game when you enter it and a teammate tells you "I can't frickin Meepo but I pressed the wrong button"...)
Aura items aren't worth it on meepo, you should always be looking to buy stats because of his aghs upgrade. If you're looking for regen then it's a better idea to just buy a bottle. And replace vlads with blink and a sheepstick as core items. Vlads isn't worth the 2k gold at all for meeps. Main priority should always be stacking stats from items like skadi. Otherwise the guide is pretty good.
Aura items are worth it on
Also bevare
Yup! That's the point of this one. It's a different style of guide I wanted to try, not so much focused on exploring the hero in depth and going over their strengths and weaknesses in any given situation. It's more 'I need to play this hero now and not seem like a complete and total scrub'. Which is why there's only one item and skill build, and no talk about the finer details of the hero... you know, like if you get
Or maybe it just shows how much free time you have (which i believe is none at all) XD
Edit= and omg why am I seeing a butterfly @-@ ethereal blade is always a better option and consider mentioning diffusal blade in your guide as well for its really cost effective stats.
Yup! That's the point of this one. It's a different style of guide I wanted to try, not so much focused on exploring the hero in depth and going over their strengths and weaknesses in any given situation. It's more 'I need to play this hero now and not seem like a complete and total scrub'. Which is why there's only one item and skill build, and no talk about the finer details of the hero... you know, like if you get