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3 Votes

So thirsty...ahh...

January 27, 2014 by R1KT4
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R1KT4 | January 28, 2014 9:50am
Timminatorr wrote:

i still dont know why radiance is a thing on is mostly a farming item on illision heroes. sure chasing and all that stuff but id rather get items that give more damage or stats.

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KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 28, 2014 3:39am
@timminator. It saves him in team fights if accidentally some creep dies from radiance,he gets health.that's about it.
Timminatorr (57) | January 28, 2014 3:22am
i still dont know why radiance is a thing on is mostly a farming item on illision heroes. sure chasing and all that stuff but id rather get items that give more damage or stats.
R1KT4 | January 27, 2014 10:39pm
Blade mail is there, yes it's thru urn can be used to, and please look the item builds first before you say something.
Saggin Dragon (1) | January 27, 2014 7:38pm
No blade mail? Or urn? Together these give you enormous ganking power especially since players on higher levels will just stand there and attack you. Urn + BloodRage + Rupture = 270 Magic damage + 150 pure (at level 6) = 352.5 Pure damage combined with blade mail works way better than a force staff especially since you will be way tankier and can regen from last hitting creeps while reflecting damage
blanning | January 27, 2014 6:40pm
Wulfstan wrote:

Don't quite agree with this.You see, you waste like 2.2k gold on Force Staff, but your enemy can still TP away from a Rupture.

Fair enough, but given that most pro players consider a force staff a must have on pretty much any build it is not wasted (it also give you the mana to pump out your skills, can regularly be farmed before level 7, and provides much needed means of catching up or escaping). I understand what you mean, it is not a fool-proof rupture tool, but my experience has been that I can double the number of successful ruptures I get simply by using the Force Staff on the ruptured enemy immediately.
Wulfstan (77) | January 27, 2014 10:51am
blanning wrote:

Consider a Force Staff in the build. Tied in with Rupture you can force a hero well below half damage easily (and thus set off the advantages of Thirst).

Don't quite agree with this.You see, you waste like 2.2k gold on Force Staff, but your enemy can still TP away from a Rupture.


I do not agree with the fact that you actually consider Black King Bar a luxury.There will be stuns in every game, more or less threatening, and late game a stun can really screw you over even with Thirst active.
blanning | January 27, 2014 9:58am
Consider a Force Staff in the build. Tied in with Rupture you can force a hero well below half damage easily (and thus set off the advantages of Thirst).
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