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125 Votes


May 2, 2012 by Nova#221290
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coldheart009 | November 11, 2016 10:52pm
This is quite a good guide expect for the anti hero part. Personally, I don't think that pudge is an anti hero for sniper. I played sniper for 90% of the time and pudge was, is and will never be an anti to sniper. Why? all you need is your skill to evade and hide with the creeps to avoid his deadly meathook.This is just my opinion. :X
Spacadet | July 14, 2016 2:43pm
in my opinion: shrapnel is useful, this skill can save your life in the duel 1 vs 1 (i mean not with a nuker or pa) if u use it correctly in early game. if you great in kitting can win in 1 vs 1 (not against long range nuker or blinker) *use hurricane pike for help you kitting enemy #sometimeswehavetofightback #notcoward #thuglifeifwin thanks :D (sorry for rip english i just a child playing dota 2)
Spacadet | July 17, 2016 1:22am
coldheart009 | March 30, 2017 12:22am
Spacadet wrote:

Blink is good for sniper but I very rarely use this. I prefer shadow blade or hurricane pike than blink. Shadow blade has + damage and invi while hurricane pike has +range and escape as well.
michimatsch (26) | July 17, 2016 2:42am
Check your inbox Spacadet. I have sent you a message regarding your question.
PixiKatjie | June 28, 2016 8:33am
I'm a noob, only been playing about a week now and I had some real disaster starting games. Your build for Sniper however really made things much better for me. I can actually hold my lane now and get some kills. I just want to thank you for posting your build as it made this noobs life much better.
Tsaikoh | February 19, 2016 11:20am
braindance wrote:

This is full of misleading information, very cost ineffective and basically will ruin a game for your teammates assuming equal skill level between your team and opponent team.

Sniper needs a lot of free farm for this build, so team will have to endure a 4v5 game while you farm, and in return they will get a very ineffective carry (and I say carry only because you'd have MKB).

I'll try to explain it in simple terms, so even people who upvoted this guide can understand.

1. Illusions don't bash (I mean bash from MKB and basher, Headshot passive propagates to illusions), and they only get dmg from your stats, not from direct +dmg on your items (like mkb), so your mkb/basher has no synergy with manta whatsoever. They have Headshot passive, but when you get mkb/basher (so they get it too), their 'fake bash' will even interfere with your bashes.

2. Auras don't work on illusions, neither does lifesteal, so no, contrary to what this guide says, manta illusions do not benefit from Assault Cuirass/MoM, neither armor aura and IAS aura, nor lifesteal and IAS from MoM.

3. Sniper is an Agi hero, that means high armor but low HP, so if you want survivability, getting armor (assault cuirass) over HP is, uh, not a smart thing to do, especially considering you go MoM and get zero HP items. Nukers are going to be a huge problem for this sniper, and most heroes in DOTA have nukes.

4. Good luck farming all that gold without any escape mechanism (and with MoM!), heroes like bounty hunter, pudge or antimage are among the most picked ones, so you will face them more often than not, and will basically be some free gold for them.

5. You say you've played this build in original DotA. The problem is that bashes on ranged heroes didn't stack at all there, not even bonus damage (which does stack in DOTA 2), so while this build is bad in DOTA 2, it was even worse in DotA.

6. Not leveling shrapnel even once mid-game is a bad move - even going by your idea of perma-bash, shrapnel slow really helps to 'catch' the enemy and gives you more chances to land some bashes on him. Also, you have 5 points in Shrapnel in your build.

I could go on, but I think my point is clear here, and I've stated some proofs to back it up.
Guides like these lead to snipers feeding the enemy team and blaming their own team for 'not protecting' them while not even having any escape items.

The only way you would win with this build is by enemy team being even worse and letting you do that. But I saw Skeleton King with three bucklers / Tinker with battlefury / Pudge with basher being on the winning team, that doesn't mean they were useful in the least and led their team to victory, they were carried by their team. And sniper is supposed to carry, not be carried.

I'm not against fun builds, I experiment a lot myself, but when you write a joke build, state so in the description, or inexperienced people will actually consider this build viable (and manta+basher snipers are rarely fun to have in team).

P.S.: I don't mean to be harsh and I'm not picking on you, just saying that you need to do some research of game mechanics (like illusions' bash) before misleading new players.

Brilliant! This is what I about to post.
aprimajsidik | July 5, 2015 2:48pm
How about desolator for sniper ???
Please reply. I'm newbie. Ty.
Monster69 | December 18, 2014 11:11am
Nice will try it out started playing dota2 5 days ago and love playing with sniper
vikramsokkkalingam | December 13, 2014 11:15am

i am new to dota and started playing with sniper since he looked easy but was a free gold for the other team. But ever since I have followed your guide I have been dominant. Thank you so much for a really well written guide.
TheVideoGameGuy | November 9, 2014 5:23am
MoM: Not a good idea.
Hamstertamer (89) | September 29, 2014 11:25pm
Guide is terrible. Definite -1 from me without any regret.

It has been covered is previous posts that saying that illusions can bash, that illusions benefit from Assault Cuirass, that Mjollnir doesn't stack with lifesteal, that Shrapnel is such a bad skill that you shouldn't even get 1 level of it (how can a 1800 range skill that *gives vision in the fog* for you to attack or scout be called bad by anyone), is just downright false information. It just shows a lack of game knowledge by the author.

But apparently people are too busy saying some other stuff about the "missing" Shadow Blade (which is just as trash on Sniper as Skull Basher by the way) to notice that the build is completely ineffective for the simple reason that Sniper can't permabash. Ministuns from Monkey King Bar are not bashes because they last 0.01 second, it looks and sounds like you're bashing but you're actually not. And Skull Basher will almost never proc because your attack speed is not high enough. Did I mention that you could get any kind of serious DPS item like Daedalus instead of wasting your gold on an Abyssal Blade? Do the math.
In a teamfight, while you're trying hard to "permabash" a *single* target, the rest of the enemy team will just jump you and murder your sorry dwarf *** because 1) no Black King Bar and 2) going Mask of Madness and no survivability. Sniper isn't a disabler, the only hope for this silly hero to be useful is to deal enough DPS before the enemy heroes can jump him and kill him, which is definitely not the case in that build.
jjose104 | August 29, 2014 1:17pm
i decided to play using this build for my bad luck in my team 2 people go afk so we were 3 vs 5 but thanks to you i became the op and kill all the five using all the buffs just by myself this is probably the most unbeatable build ive ever played
OneFun_Mss | August 24, 2014 12:05am
MoM is okay, but as first for sniper, it sucks, i tried it to sniper using this perma basher build of yours, but at some first levels he cant even farm and is sooo squishy, i always back out asap just so i wouldnt die so much,. not much of a help in the team, and how am i suppose to get the full gears when its so squishy at the first levels, the game is over before i can go past MKB not giving him a chance to farm gold and do nothing but get some itsy-bitsy last hits. before i can even complete Mkb the opponents are already fully geared, if you know what i mean. so by then i tried to use the HOD - for lifesteal, and since i always use Mjo, for farming so i can get more gold and last hit everything means faster gold. and doesnt matter if it isnt life steal, atleast it got high damage that can be handy, and also shadow blade is kinda a must i think, for it allows sniper to escape when all hell break loose as well as manta style. but still.. +1
Pembertoniak | August 3, 2014 8:51am
Really great guide. I did not really thin this would work, but it did! I wasn't stunning constantl, though, but was dealing decent damage. Like this a lot. Thanks!
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