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For chasing and in general better mobility, why don't you try a Blink Dagger? I n my opinion Force Staff is a waste on Sniper, since he doest not welcome the Inteligence nor the HP regen. Although you can't use Blink Dagger if you're damaged, you can use it as an aggressive way of positioning yourself, either on the beggining of teamfights and to chase and clean up after. You can also do those amazing "sit on the cliff and shoot everybody" plays.
To be honest, I'm not a good Sniper player, but the few games I had with him I felt that you really have to go either Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger, and none of these to escape, since you have to assume you're enemy is not ******ed and he's going to have Dust of Appearance, but to position yourself better in teamfights in general.
Main weakness, as for any range low HP hero is against heroes with blink or shadowblade builds and stuns. Once they are near you, if you don't have very good support, sniper is just dead meat. His native skills are actually bad for hero vs hero fights....once bkbs and daggers are bought sniper has actually 0 usefull skills. Add dust to deny a possible shadowblade on sniper and is one useless hero.
So, as hard carry as he looks, he is actually a mid game hard carry, meaning the entire focus is to fast outlevel and outgear enemy team. If you fail to do so, it will fail completely against almost any melle hard carry that can get in close range. And they will.
For a first guide, this is really good! It is well-formatted, and everything is decently explained.
I really like Eye of Skadi as alternative to Desolator. If their enemy is not so high on armor and/or one of your teammates already have it, it is better to not go for the Desolator. Why should you go for Eye of Skadi? It's stats are great for our squishy midget. The slow helps chasing, and complements his low movement speed.
Secondly, Manta Style is a great split-pushing and DPS item. Again, the stats (and movespeed) are great. The illusions can be used to splitpush or even farm if you have a few items going. If you have Sange&Yasha, which is more of an early-mid game item, you can get the Yasha by disassembling later (Sange&Yasha really falls off).
Hey guys, this is my first guide so advice is helpful! I'm actually been playing dota for maybe only 4 months, but I love the game and wanted to show you Sniper the ranged creep... NOT.
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i have recently realized the worth of
For chasing and in general better mobility, why don't you try a
To be honest, I'm not a good
So, as hard carry as he looks, he is actually a mid game hard carry, meaning the entire focus is to fast outlevel and outgear enemy team. If you fail to do so, it will fail completely against almost any melle hard carry that can get in close range. And they will.
I really like
Also, you should probably upgrade Brown Boots into
+1, great first guide.