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2 Votes

Sniper Here!

March 22, 2013 by Alturnax
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Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 25, 2013 4:27pm
The only time I would ever suggest shadow blade is when your team doesn't already have invisible heroes.

Much of the purpose of invis is to make your enemies expend funds on Gems/Wards/Dust, when they could be spending that money elsewhere.

If you do have an invis hero, however, the majority of the point of the item is waisted. Your opponents, when they are at least decent, will have detection and then you have an item that... well... Isn't as good as phase boots.

Which is why in every sense I always consider shadow blade situational.

When watching pro matches, you seldom see anyone take a shadow blade (but it does happen...when their team doesn't have invis heroes already)
Alturnax | March 22, 2013 5:27am
You guys are right, sharpnel is good, but its mana hogging...

i'll make a 2nd build about pushing/ganking/roaming sniper :)
TenshiN (6) | March 22, 2013 4:05am
I basically agree with the skillbuild, but i DO take at least 2 levels of Shrapnel after maxing my passives, as an uphill vision is really useful for pushing. Also, useful to cover your retreat with - Shrapnel the path, use Shadow Blade and run for the hills! I also like to get Yasha after Power Treads for the extra mobility it provides.
Alturnax | March 22, 2013 3:04am
Wisdomseyes1 wrote:

Mid sniper, because a carry is to mainstream.

SHRAPNEL is useless, because vision in a chosen area and one of the few spells that can push lanes safely AND hurt towers is bad.

Shadow Blade core, because no one uses Dusk, Gem of Trusight, Sentury Wards, or any other invis detection (not one mention of how shadow blade shouldn't be taken if you have any invis heroes on your team already)

I don't like your sniper. Your sniper only works in low level pubs and doesn't make use of all the tools he has access too.

sharpnel explenation - deals **** damage, **** slow, and has a casting time, **** spell, i understand most people like leveling sharpnel for pushing, but this build isnt for pushing.

and shadow blade is a core because of the extra movespeed you have, and if they use gem, you could just tell your team to focus on them, if they have wards, you could just tell your support to counter-ward, if they have dust, its only for a short duration, and the extra speed you get from shadow blade is useful...
True Venom | March 22, 2013 2:38am
You should max out take aim first followed by headshot for easy harass and you can just auto-attack the tower without being hit by magic bolts.You should at least get 1 lvl of shrapnel at lvl 10 for slowing in case the enemy tries to escape.And don't leave shrapnel for last it's pretty good if you think about it(30% slow).
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 21, 2013 10:14pm
Mid sniper, because a carry is to mainstream.

SHRAPNEL is useless, because vision in a chosen area and one of the few spells that can push lanes safely AND hurt towers is bad.

Shadow Blade core, because no one uses Dusk, Gem of Trusight, Sentury Wards, or any other invis detection (not one mention of how shadow blade shouldn't be taken if you have any invis heroes on your team already)

I don't like your sniper. Your sniper only works in low level pubs and doesn't make use of all the tools he has access too.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 21, 2013 11:47am
Oh God, You Have The Capital Letter Disease: It Is Annoying For Some People.

Other than that, there are tons of builds like this on DotaFire: it's not bad at all, but it's still too "common" and far from being one of the best guides. If you want more attention, try putting the max- Shrapnel build (even though you don't like it) or maybe insert different item builds like the Drum of Endurance + Yasha one.
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