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2 Votes

Slow down, we want to hug you to death! (WIP)

October 4, 2014 by tuantute2701
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Fumbles16x (4) | October 6, 2014 12:22pm
I'm a little confused as to how you plan on playing him with this guide. The build is named "initiator", you say to play him as a support in your text, and you have things like Butterfly in the items. Seems like you combined all the ways to play Venomancer into one confusing guide.

A few notes:

-As I said, split the whole guide into multiple builds. Support, Ganker, Semi-Carry, Initiator, etc. Each with their own builds and sections.
-If going full initiator you need a Blink Dagger, no exceptions. Venomancer is too slow and squishy to just walk into the middle of the team and ult.
- Shadow Blade is not an escape and is better suited on gankers. Blink Dagger is almost always better.
-Missing items that are really good on Venomancer and you have some items that are very sub-par: -Early levels of Poison Sting are better than wards. The DoT falls off after awhile, and you need the slow a lot more for securing kills. One point in wards is all you really need until the others are maxed.
tuantute2701 | October 6, 2014 5:33am
Yeah, that ring looks quite confusing, i will fix that.
TheSofa (54) | October 5, 2014 8:04am
Pardon me... I don't think you have enough starting gold to buy all your starting items...

525 + 125 + 150 is... 800.

Consider using icons... or see Dr. D's guide to formatting!

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