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slarkin about ! (under construction- will add more)

December 28, 2012 by SuperNova-Sin
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SuperNova-Sin | January 2, 2013 7:24pm
Also thank you. I haven't put my full attention into this guide yet as I'm still fiddling with items and ideas. Unconventional is best as they aren't ready for it. Ill have more guides coming out once I'm happy with this on also
SuperNova-Sin | January 2, 2013 5:17pm
Your analysis is sound and this does have the potential to eventuate. I just find most games when you play safe till level 6 then gank and hit them hard they fall into dis repair. Occasionally you'll find an exceptional player that will screw you over but that's the same for any character. In general I find characters like Zeus, drow and riki to be excellent feed. Zeus is mana dependent and so often lags in terms of speed making a gank and follow through easy. It's not that I don't believe this could happen its just that I feel if your aggressive enough you can kick his *** early game and watch him lag behind. Half the game is squashing the right enemies
Redsnake | January 2, 2013 2:30pm
The point is if you are playing against a well organized team, Zeus should stay behind in safety, so it's not that easy to get his ***. If you manage to pounce him? Ghost scepter, or worse, a tons of aoe stun under your feet. Shadowdance? His ultimate gives 3 seconds of true sight that you can't darkpact off like dust or track, then a chain of stuns will send you to heaven - I have had games like this, not just theory. If Zeus have refresher orb and Aghanim's (Zeus farms exceptionaly fast), and you have MoM on, its around 1500 magical damage from his ultimate alone, plus you can't go invi for up to 6 seconds. Even with Shadowdance, there are a lot of aoe spells that can effectively destroy you if you have MoM without BKB.
Linken give 200 less hp than bloodstone but like i said, its spell negation that worth the money. I actually rarely get linken - only to counter a decent doom or butcher. I dunno, if you say so then it's a matter of choice, seem equally good anw. I solved the hp problem with 2 builds depends on the situation:
- BKB + Vanguard/Tread(strength)/Sange/Basher (most of the time, may go MoM on this)
- Linken
However, I admit that your guide is one of the best Slark guide around.
SuperNova-Sin | January 2, 2013 12:37pm
I looked into linkens sphere and it does not work. It gives excellent stats but gives you no actual health. Which is what you need. You need to have a large health pool otherwise SLARK and his lovely shadow dance just won't regen quick enough. All the items your talking about have been given thought to and tried. Amarment is another crazy item to build. Again only use-able in shadow dance but with MoM it's nuts and the health it takes is less than the health you regen while in an active shadow dance
SuperNova-Sin | January 2, 2013 12:27pm
I'm confused as to how your all playing him then. SLARK is my ace In the hole. He's the character I pull out when I have counters to every other hero I enjoy. Zeus ? What can a puny Zeus do when I pounce, dark pact and then shadow dance whilst using a MoM ? Answer nothing he's leashed by an invisible cloud of destruction that hit him mercilessly. SLARK is built for quick intense fights. A morbid mask wouldn't go astray but isn't essential. And apparently no one reads the build name. Ganker-tanker. He ganks and unlike every other guide you see he has so much health that he tanks. Bloodstone was a luxury item. Not an essential.
Redsnake | January 2, 2013 12:38am
MoM is mostly for low level pub-stomping - at higher level games, even Void rarely go MoM because they will die too quickly, and it's almost impossible to solo kill a good player. And good players are not scared of pounce.
A lifesteal is good on any adps hero, including Slark - and you need a regen when the enemy may have gems or wards. I usually get Vladimir because I like Eye of Skadi or Mjolnir on Slark. Basher is also awesome on him too - some strength and a reliable disable. I think Linken's is better than Bloodstone, about the same price, but more effective - can negate many annoying nukes and disables, while provide more stats. Bloodstone is an item for casters that will engage a lot in team fights (its true value is mana which Slark doesn't need that much, respawn time reduction and hp restore to allies on death).
Boots are great, y dont you think so :( I get Yasha too, which is later made into Manta or S&Y so I will run at maximum speed all the time, plus the attack speed :) No one can run away from me even Lycan and Dark Seer. When I'm chased, if they lost sight on me for 1 second, they will lost sight on me forever.
BkB is a must if you are playing again a decent team and should be get after Linken.
His worst enemies in my opinion are Zeus and Leshrac that can pawn Slark throughout the game - Axe is pretty bad early game too.
SuperNova-Sin | December 30, 2012 6:01pm
Also I don't like assault cuirass I'd much rather grab something like a Dagon or a silence item. Your not a massive team fighter in the end game. You become a target and it's just painful. Dagon or silence helps alot but most when I have the above items I just don't need anything else. I'm fed as hell off people who spam drow or Zeus.
SuperNova-Sin | December 30, 2012 5:57pm
I don't like your soul booster neither bloodstone it's useless and costs a lot. And Also, why you want to buy Hyperstone if you have essence shift that steals agility

Why would I get a soul booster ? It gets rid of your squishyness that your whining about.also your ultimate is totally reliant on your max health pool the soul booster gives you health. It also negates the need for any mana regen items or any mana items.

As for the hyperstone. It's simple really. You only steal as many points as you hit correct ? And how do we hit quicker ? By having faster attack speed.

Faster attack speed = more essence shift points
More essence shift points = faster attack speed
Having a hyper stone allows you to get the jump on people and also allows you to do more damage quicker whilst picking up essence shift points

As for the MoM it is a life sucking bastard. And should only be used when In shadow dance. Tr idea being do get in with pounce, leash and damage pop dark pact then hit MoM and shadow dance. If you haven't killed at least on person. Your not doing it right.

MoM only works well In shadow dance because your effectively invisible. Using the shadow blade to exit is very viable and also allows you a few more crucial hits on your target.
xCO2 (72) | December 30, 2012 10:15am
I like this, you essentially took everyone's junk ideas and made them a little more viable, I still wouldn't pick up MoM unless you have a BKB or some super survival like a HoT. I also recommend an early pair of Boots of Speed.

CNP9 wrote:
Lol no boots xD? slark with Treads with his ultimate can reach MS close to haste Ms when chasing or roaming... (Ect.)

Poorman's > Vanguard infinitely, it can be picked up much earlier and gives much needed stats, Urn provides the sustain and survivability that treads would, Veno orb for chasing obviously so treads aren't needed and cheaper, Soulstone could potentially be a Bloodstone which will give the much needed survival and mana, more ingame time and bonus EXP if you do happen to die, Assault Cuirass would be a team utility and allow you to drain stats much faster (Which is your reliable damage in this build). Inb4: What about Skadi? Its a trash overpriced luxury utility that needs to be rushed because you don't chase in a teamfight.
CNP9 (1) | December 29, 2012 7:17am
Lol no boots xD? slark with Treads with his ultimate can reach MS close to haste Ms when chasing or roaming, and also treads is great in slark and i often put them in strenght because he's squishy, and gives good As For the beggining then you should do vanguard not poor's man. Slark he's a hero who can quickly kill but can quickly die too. I reccomend putting essence shift first so in the beggining you get more kills and more gold, maybe 1 in dark pact just for debuff. After Vanguard and Treads, Go for Orb of Venom and then Skadi, if you're not getting much kills, forget skadi and go for another thing. I don't like your soul booster neither bloodstone it's useless and costs a lot. And Also, why you want to buy Hyperstone if you have essence shift that steals agility which gives As so with the money from the Hyperstone or Assault, which is better only late game you could finish skadi.
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