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Slarkbob Nightcrawler: An unconventional guide to Slark. Revamped.

September 20, 2013 by Targnil
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Targnil (1) | September 19, 2013 3:26pm
Yasutsuna wrote:

The problem is once the game reaches the point of people getting luxury, the damage block of Vanguard is too little to be considered effective, that kills like half the price of it. So, getting Poor Man's Shield will always be better.

Hmm, you're making sense, but Slark doesn't need too much DPS early game, and rushing Vanguard will give you enough tank to dive towers. In my earlier guide, I ended up with Power Treads, Vanguard, and Yasha, and that I found was more than enough to gank successfully. Slark doesn't need to be played like a hard carry.

Yasutsuna (51) | September 19, 2013 7:07am
Targnil wrote:

not really, I find it effective throughout, but it does delay your core, thats why it's under luxury. I will add the section on gameplay, thank you very much for your input.


The problem is once the game reaches the point of people getting luxury, the damage block of Vanguard is too little to be considered effective, that kills like half the price of it. So, getting Poor Man's Shield will always be better.
Targnil (1) | September 16, 2013 5:08pm

try a bloodstone,adds tank. mana and buffs your ulti so much

Poor Man's Shield and Vladimirs Offering adds more than enough mana and tank.
SuperNova-Sin | September 16, 2013 12:22am
try a bloodstone,adds tank. mana and buffs your ulti so much
Targnil (1) | September 15, 2013 9:39pm
Yasutsuna wrote:

Im gonna argue that Vanguard is useless item. Its effectiveness runs out at 30 minutes. It delays your core too much. So you shouldnt opt for it al all.

I think it would be better for you to include a section on gameplay.

not really, I find it effective throughout, but it does delay your core, thats why it's under luxury. I will add the section on gameplay, thank you very much for your input.

Yasutsuna (51) | September 15, 2013 8:59pm
Im gonna argue that Vanguard is useless item. Its effectiveness runs out at 30 minutes. It delays your core too much. So you shouldnt opt for it al all.

I think it would be better for you to include a section on gameplay.
Targnil (1) | September 15, 2013 8:36pm
miishin wrote:

What exactly makes this unconventional? Manta Style Diffusal Blade Vladmir's Offering and Skull Basher are all common-ish items on Slark.

I beg to differ, most people get skadi instead of diffusal. and I have never in my life seen someone use manta in a game.
miishin (2) | September 15, 2013 6:13pm
What exactly makes this unconventional? Manta Style Diffusal Blade Vladmir's Offering and Skull Basher are all common-ish items on Slark.
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