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Also, you needed to put more emphasis on wards and Bloodseeker. Bloodseeker is THE counter to Slark. If you're below half health, no healing, and no trip to the fountain. A good BS activates his Q, then his ulti, and if you're already moving, you will take a lot of damage. And after you pounce or ulti away, he's still a lot faster than you. He'll catch up easily.
Wards, with slark, you can use trees to pretty much spot the exact location of wards, use dust or sentry, and have a ranged character come and help you. Also, quelling blade if you're not getting a ranged character to help.
Most of the stuff here I pretty much agree with, However I disagree with the bottle, you don't need the regen it provides and you don't rely on runes at all and because of your speed you can easily steal runes and get to the action long before it ran out.
You don't need the HP regen, but you need the mana. You should be spamming a lot of
Lastly all the Items you have "yet to try" are all basically useless
I agree with all of this.
(Note: when i said "the best item build and skill build I meant that those builds are the one who helped me the most and resulted most useful... for me atleast)
Lastly all the Items you have "yet to try" are all basically useless
"-Can detect wards/invisible enemies with Shadow Dance's passive"
Since when? :3
If you mean, you can guess when theyre around if the passive suddenly drops, then yes. but you should probably specify.
Also Yasha should be built before treads, and Sange afterwards.
I'm not neccesarilly disagreeing, just want to know your reasoning for yasha before treads, don't you need the treads for the extra HP and attack speed?
Since when? :3
If you mean, you can guess when theyre around if the passive suddenly drops, then yes. but you should probably specify.
Also Yasha should be built before treads, and Sange afterwards.
I would un-reject
I agree with that, but you have many ways to avoid being focused down:
I also like getting a
I max
I prefer getting
This ^. You won't get much out of the extra levels of
One question, do the slow from the sange and skadi stack? Or would it maybe be better to just go yasha alone if you plan on also upgrading to skadi?
Yes, they do stack.