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36 Votes

Slark The Nightcrawler (The Proper Way)

March 3, 2013 by Thaneos
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Skuzi | June 12, 2014 8:20am
So, it's a nice guide but I don't think it's perfect. I really encourage you to level up Dark Pact before levelling up stats because Dark Pact is helpful. Alot. It's just, when someone wants to kill or you want to kill an enemy, you can just Pounce on them, then use the Mask Of Madness and use the Dark Pact. When your teammates are ganking, Pounce on someone and use your Dark Pact when the enemy's health is low. You can ks just like that. I know many of you people may think I'm a noob cause I like ks-ing, but it's a part of the game. So that's it. I really really encourage you all to level up Dark Pact. Kbye.
AudSopha | February 7, 2014 8:57pm
Can we get this guide removed already? I've never seen a Slark using it win, and the worst part is, it's the first guide you find when you google "slark guide".

I've lost about 10 games because of this guide.

**** you whoever wrote it. **** you up the *** with a giant fishy ****.
AudSopha | January 22, 2014 8:47pm
This is probably the worst guide I've ever seen. Ever. Anyone good at the game will tell you to do the exact opposite of this guide.

You build Slark tanky. This way his ult heals for more health, Dark Pact doesn't hurt much when you use it, and you can stay around for longer to get more essence stacks (ever seen Slark with 300 agi? Probably not if you build him like this guide says to).

Eye of Skadi is core on Slark. It makes escaping him absolutely impossible, gives him tankiness and good stats all round.
Assault Cuirass, Satanic, Abyssal, Butterfly are all good items on him. If you're having a tough time early game then a hood, vanguard or BKB (depending on what is making your life hard) work well.
Sasha and Yanga is only acceptable if you cannot farm a Skadi and you can buy it by 15 minutes (but late game you'll sell S&Y for a Skadi anyway).
Also, Orb of Venom is an item you should be getting as early as possible. 12% slow on every attack is amazing.
Early game poor mans shield and magic wand for the stats and utility they provide.
The only choice in boots is Power Treads.

As for skills, max pounce first. Take Dark Pact at 2, Essence at 4. Ult when you can. If you need to farm or the enemy team has lots of stuns, max Dark Pact second, if you're ahead max Essence second instead.

As for how to play him? He's a ganker. Soon as you hit 6, go to a lane. If you land his pounce, that's a free kill. You can do this once every 12 seconds at level 6.
During mid and late game, you should farm up and become a carry. Almost no one in the game can fight against a late game Slark, and the more they try, the stronger you get.

If you want to see Slark with 300 Agi, do what I just said and ignore this guide.
unslarkbar | September 24, 2013 3:09am

I usually never comment. But since I've read you lie to people saying Dark Pact is useless - I ****ing registered myself to just say what kind of trash you talk. Dark Pact is the most effective spell on him, you can drive the whole enemy team crazy with it. You, and all who confirm this ****, just aren't able to time that one of the most imba spells in the game. I'm always glad seeing slarks playing without dark pact, or - which is more ridiculous - getting mask of madness on him, which is REALLY suicidal on him and not dark pact like you say (faceroll). But hey, it's not my job that you guys play him right, just keep on giving me the freewins.
Horten | May 27, 2013 5:43pm
Favourite guide I've found for Slark. Works perfectly as long as you win early game lane, or play safe. Although i do recommend putting a point into dark impact early in-case someone knows what they're doing. The combination of Mask of Madness and Skull Basher works fantastic mid game. I read up on some other builds, and they say not to get Mask of Madness and instead a Drum. Why?

Efficient lane/jungle/ganking build. :)
Twodee (4) | March 20, 2013 7:50pm
I've played a lot of slark and messed around with different builds; and mask of madness just doesn't seem to work very well. First, this build wouldn't really work in a pub match. Because as we all know if - most people will not babysit a slark and let him lasthit. Second - if you did try to pull this off in a game with people that were on a team slark wouldn't be a good pick up. Also, dust and wards would be all over the field. Going for a build like this is fun - but it really depends on how much early farm you can get in lane and would require lots of team synergy to pull of correctly.
Thaneos (1) | March 3, 2013 4:38pm
Biwinning1 wrote:

Good guide +1
Can you add a friends a foes section please I got squished by lion when I used this guide :( so who else do I need o look out for?

Yes I will do that sometime tonight or tomorrow, I had been away for awhile....sorry.
Biwinning1 | February 16, 2013 12:22pm
Good guide +1
Can you add a friends a foes section please I got squished by lion when I used this guide :( so who else do I need o look out for?
Thaneos (1) | February 13, 2013 10:24am
Prendwick wrote:

Awful items. MoM is plain stupid.

The numerous people commenting otherwise says different. Go troll elsewhere
doomisangry | February 2, 2013 12:19pm
Nice build got 22/3/9
SuperNova (16) | February 1, 2013 3:23am
Play MoM against a premade, I double dare you...
Prendwick | February 1, 2013 3:09am
Awful items. MoM is plain stupid.
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