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7 Votes

Slark, the ganking Murloc

November 20, 2012 by Allegiance
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Minotaur0407 | April 22, 2013 1:38am
instantly getting lvl 6 seems to be core gameplay for him, laning with a ranged high dmg hero works like a charm, but i seem to play a lot different from anyone else, getting shadowblade and maxing "w" instead of "q" as everyone seems to do, but i works for me since having the double stealth is like having 2 ults.
Allegiance (9) | November 20, 2012 2:24am
due to the insane regen your ult provides the damage you take via dark pact doesn't matter at all.
you can use it easily twice during one gank, which means 600 aoe damage, that is just hilarious and will grant early kills.
essence shift wont help you at all with ganking and without ganking you won't get farmed enough to do anything in late game, you just get outcarried, cause slark is NO hard carry.
if you don't believe me, just look up some dota 1 pro replays where slark got picked and dominated everything with early dark pact.
connor4893 (2) | November 20, 2012 12:23am
Dark Pact should never be maxed first, it's completely useless at low levels. This is because Slark is squishy and Dark Pact deals a considerable amount of damage to him. True, he takes decreased damage, but the percentage of health lost by each party only slightly favors Slark, meaning someone like Sven could easily turn the tides of battle. Instead, get pounce to level 2 and focus on Essence Shift. This combination will allow you to easily surprise enemies and finish them off in a one on one.
kalzonenu (1) | November 19, 2012 1:37pm
qwee doesnt mean squat its skill 1 skill 2 skill 3 skill 3 or the skill name not qadfgnjogh nm,sbcvobvcsomimmgfa i know some people dont use custom keys but a lot of people do so try and think of that pleeeeeaaaaseeeeeeeeeee.
Otherwise pretty good guide im still searching for a playstyle guide come to think of it i could proberly find one at Dota strategy or Dota League or Playdota. Oh wait nvm Dl was put down :(
OneHalf (10) | November 16, 2012 1:41pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Diffusal blade isn't too good on slark IMO, all it does is drain mana and deal damage equal to it, and give you a purge.


Although SNY maim is pretty good the Purge is ranged and its so much easier to land pounce on a target that cant Juke you. The extra int isn't unwelcome either. You can rebuy the recipe so you get another 8 charges later, usually 8 charges = 8 Kills since you don't need it for yourself.
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 16, 2012 1:11pm
Hey there! Nice job on writing the guide.

I have a few concerns. Why would you get 2 into dark pact @ 2 and 3? Why not go :
WQEEE <--like that? I don't know, might just be me.
Diffusal blade isn't too good on slark IMO, all it does is drain mana and deal damage equal to it, and give you a purge. Yes, that is very helpful in ganks, but what about a Sange and Yasha? The slow never runs out of "charges" and it could proc better than one purge. I don't know what other people think, nor do I care, but I think the Sange and Yasha is better than Diffusal.
Why would you get Ethereal?? His only magic damage is dark pact and pounce. Then he relies on right clicking and following up. He can't attack under Ethereal Blade.

Anyway, I gave you a +1 :)

But come back to me and reply to this comment.
CountryClubAntics (2) | November 16, 2012 1:06pm
Good build, but you should always level essence shift over pounce after dark pact, Orb of venom is a great item for so little gold. And apart from the stats the health regen isnt needed on slark at all past level 6
Pioelhombre | November 16, 2012 10:06am
Looking forward to the tips and tricks section! Thanks!!!
Allegiance (9) | November 16, 2012 9:53am
I see i forgot to mention some things, thank you
Essence Shift lasts for 15/30/45/60 seconds (there is a timer for every single attack you land) and no it doesn't work on creeps ([pounce does neither btw)
Pioelhombre | November 16, 2012 9:40am
Never played Slark, but would like to give him a shot. Could you explain how to initiate a fight? What skills to use and when? Also, when are the stats from Essence Shift removed? After the enemy dies? Does it work on creeps?
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