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44 Votes

Slardar by Dach&Max

December 5, 2012 by DachEtMax
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Flagrant#234751 | May 29, 2012 5:23pm
Amazing Slardar guide. I'm planning on mastering this hero because he is a good all around hero with nukes, stuns, and slows, with of course his ultimate. This guide will bring me a long way. If I get to pro Dota with this guide i'll shout you out. Thanks man.
Nexcore | March 25, 2012 2:55am
Hello, I think Tango/Shield/Quelling Blade and Gloves of Strenght is pretty decent starting build for Slardar. Unless you don't be too careless or face a solid enemy lane, you won't die. + Clarity gives you chance to do escape Slithereen Crush and go on with laning without returning to base. Leveling up Bash at level 2 then sprint at level 4 then bash full(excluding slithereen and ulti for obvious reasons) gives you more survivability and gank chances. BoS+Stick is ok but a bracer helps slardar a lot. Then farming armlet completes your core. Vanguard, Ring of Regen, Urn of Shadows are unnecessary, and if your team already has an initiator, blink dagger is also not necessary. PT is good slardar but people alternatively buy phase boots to reach increadible speeds. After armlet and PT, vlad is a good item if your team lacks lifesteal. BkB is also good, BF is ridiculous because your main purpose is ganking at late game. It doesn't worth the price. Late game armor- items are unnecessary just because of the efficieny decreasement.
SargentCannibal (1) | March 19, 2012 11:06am
I get the feeling that this is a build/guide meant specifically for a Slardar being played in the main carry role, in other words it's for the pub matches. In organized team matches, He's rarely played as the straight hard carry of the team, but more like what HamSandwich was saying, as a secondary support carry and chaser. This build works as it's meant to; IN THE PUB. Not really that viable for higher level gameplay. Also, Soul Ring is a ridiculous idea. Terrible, really. Passive mana regen is definitely the way to go in slardar's case.

Also, the desolator is a must. It's just so lulzy to drop armor into the negative.
Atlas (117) | March 8, 2012 8:15am
Soul ring on slard is pretty dumb, honestly...
Wheelofrally | March 8, 2012 12:15am
Has nobody ever considered Orb of Venom? Not talking about Skadi unless you're stomping stupidly hard, but just the plain 350g orb. Think about it, 12% slow, dagger-disabling DoT for certain heroes. Coupled with Slardar's stupid chasing abilities, side shop availability and how cheap it is for how much early game power you get out of it, I'm amazed nobody's mentioned it.
HamSandwich (34) | December 12, 2011 1:30pm
For Slardar, I would say that blink is situational. Sometimes if you need to be an initator, blink can be useful, but unless it can be picked up quite early, I would suggest building BKB first. Because of the nature of his ulti, Slardar can do a lot of damage with only limited items, so even getting small items to synergize more can be helpful. I find that either building a medallion or having your team build a medallion can be exceptionally useful.

Furthermore, in most games, Slardar fills a secondary carry sort of role. He generally doesn't build too many items that do damage, but instead builds some of the bigger team items. He's a great Assault Cuirass carrier and can even be effective with items like Shiva's Guard, Necrobook, or even Radiance.

However, Slardar is secondary in even that role, such that if there is a better Shiva's Carrier like Sand King or Tinker, or a better Necrobook Carrier like Queen of Pain or Beastmaster, Slardar generally gets delegated to his next set of useful items.

Basically, in high-skill games he's used for reducing armour, his AoE stun, and the tremendous positioning that sprint gives him.
LuvLes (32) | December 11, 2011 4:22pm
StefaNouF wrote:

Soul ring on Slardar, what a ******ed idea....

StefaNouF | December 11, 2011 4:12pm
Soul ring on Slardar, what a ******ed idea....
LuvLes (32) | December 11, 2011 10:42am
Post every carry related item.

Post video.

Get -1'd

DachEtMax wrote:

Y it's very laughable indeed as we just saw it in Starchampionship third place match. Moscow5 are so noob these days ^^...
I am pretty sure he knows, he kind of works with everyone in joinDOTA.
dirrwen (10) | December 11, 2011 10:35am
no, you DO need burst mana regen more then straight regen. Sorry but I disagree with most of your points and how you play Slardar
DachEtMax (2) | December 11, 2011 9:47am
Y it's very laughable indeed as we just saw it in Starchampionship third place match. Moscow5 are so noob these days ^^...

I don't like soul ring much on Slardar, u don't need a burst on your mana but passive mana regen. Urne is better in this case cause it also gives you HP

Armlet for average players = suicide 80% of the time.
All other listed items are far better for him.
HamSandwich (34) | December 10, 2011 6:53pm
Bash at lvl 4 made me lol.
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