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Skywrath's Ultimate Mid DPS guide

December 6, 2015 by Bearded Redneck Team
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apaz (17) | December 8, 2015 5:21pm
Magic Damage isn't pure, though. It might hurt like pure damage, but it isn't, much to Anti-Mage and Huskar's approval.

It's just a terminology error. Eh.

I have a love/hate relationship with Bloodstone. I like going Bloodstone into Rod of Atos into Shiva's Guard/ Scythe of Vyse. You get really tanky (for a Skywrath). I don't think it's the best build, or possible even a good one, but it's fun and worth mentioning.

Also, when I was writing my own Skywrath Mage guide, I figured out that Ethereal Blade is absurd on him because it is a gigantic slow like Rod of Atos, and it amplifies magic damage. It may actually be strictly better, I don't know. If you do get it though, get it with Aghanim's Scepter, then start getting items with Mystic Staff in them until you have all of them.

Here's My guide:
michimatsch (26) | December 6, 2015 12:50pm
true dat.

but a Force Staff wouldn't hurt.
Bearded Redneck Team | December 6, 2015 12:19pm
*Added a Last item purchase order.*

The reason I didnt put ethereal blade into the build is because it is overkill in my opinion. If we're talking about a level 16 sky who only has atos (this shouldnt be a thing but lets say you couldnt farm).

You will have 27 + 3.6(16) + 6 + 9 + 30 intelligence = 130 intelligence. Your Arcane Bolt will deal 328 damage (356 pure with Ancient Seal[ and base resist)

you'll open with Concussive Shot dealing 180 pure damage (am using damage resist to give damage in HP)

Next you'll use Ancient Seal and then Rod of Atos into a Mystic Flare 1400 x 1.0875 = 1520 pure

Following it up with 2 Arcane Bolt dealing 700 pure damage and during this you can get off maybe 2,3 maybe 4 normal attacks.

Add this all up 180 + 1520 + 700 = 2400 Raw HP plus any right clicks, which do hurt mind you. And this is a very underfarmed sky, with octarine core it would probably be closer to 3000 Raw HP. An Ethereal Blade would get you to about 4000 HP, which I doubt anyone would have at that point.

On the other hand it does allow you to protect yourself from normal attacks and maybe even kill two people, effectively replacing Ancient Seal and Concussive Shot wihtout the silence.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | December 6, 2015 11:54am
E blade sky works pretty well IMHO.
Also, I would recommend some form of mobility item after atos.

Off Topic
michimatsch (26) | December 6, 2015 11:17am
Sorry. My fault.
Just a few things:
You should mention that most enemies with a silence are bad for you.
Death Prophet, Riki.... and how to deal with those foes ( Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Lotus Orb, Force Staff...).
Besides the classification as a DPS build the guide seems pretty good.
Bearded Redneck Team | December 6, 2015 10:28am
The damage increase of Ancient Seal is 45% not 40%.

The math is: 1.00x1.45x.0.75 which is 1.0875. or exactly 8.75% more PURE damage, which is the equivalent of -8.75% magic resist
michimatsch (26) | December 6, 2015 10:13am
You got the math wrong on Ancient Seal I think.
But I am not an ye...
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