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7 Votes

Skywrath Mage Universal Guide

May 6, 2014 by Darionnn17
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Darionnn17 | May 9, 2014 4:22pm
timminatorr i know you are right, maybe i always get to play with noobs so i farm my items really quick and fast so by the end of the game i have around 10-30 kills most of the times not always sometimes i lose ofcourse and that's why but thank you for your reply i will use that to try and improve other guides. That was my first every long guide so .. thats it thanks ^^
Timminatorr (57) | May 9, 2014 6:24am
going for double shiva's is a complete waste of money, and why are you talking about wasting money on a hex? a hex is amazing on skywrath, i would probably make one before the shiva's.
you didnt include starting items and tranquill boots doesnt make much sense.
shadow blade is a hard pub build, generally either force staff or blink is better.
bloodstone isnt that bad on skywrath but it doesnt improve arcane bolt damage and is really expensive.
you also screwed up the skillbuild becouse there are only 3 points in arcane bolt and 6 in ancient seal.
the skillbuild is also pretty mediocre becouse you definately should get early points in your silence.
Krwiozerca (34) | May 8, 2014 2:34pm
My previous comment was deleted, just to let you know. Either you have a babysitter or you reported me for bad behaviour. That's fine, I did overreacted a bit more than I should. I confess.

Do you call the same source you've been using a "********". I was reading dota2.gamepedia as well, so you think that your source of information is ********?

I don't know - proper language is "nerdy ****" for you? Are you so limited that you think, that everything is black or white? If I am reading about DotA then I am almost not playing that game? Please, don't be so restricted in thinking.

You are completely right when you claim, that much more players learn by playing a game instead of reading. But question yourself - is it a good way? You can do both: play a lot and read a lot. That is the best solution.

Will I get warn for this too? I don't think I am using worse language than this guy. Well, protect the children, right?
Darionnn17 | May 8, 2014 9:46am
No still not positive enough that sounded too nerdy at least when i make a guide i don't make it into a 50 pages book in order to seem good enough or show off that i can make something long. Dota is not wow or a game you are going to play for 4 years it's a 30min-1hour game mate. You better start learning in a practical way then reading ********, because I've been playing since around 2006 and you got no right to teach me with your nerdy **** because i can still bet much more players learn by playing the game instead of reading for hours like you.

About the kid thing? Well i bet you also read i am 18 years old i dont know how old you are maybe 30 and i don't care but don't try to act smart on my guide mate. I can show whatever you want mate it's a free community i suppose? Smart *** on the internet hahaha
Darionnn17 | May 7, 2014 10:50am
Krwiozerca check out my vid see if it doesn't work .. I am not playing a level up mmorpg or wow buying and selling items for 10 hours.. it's a quick 30min game ..Idk how long you played dota for but i can bet it works and i've posted a vid in the tutorial sneaking on enemies like that you better check it out before making conclusions because you seem quite new.. it could be a different guide from the others or what you expected to be like but i bet i'd kick your *** with that skill build on 5v5 and well next time say something more positive please
Krwiozerca (34) | May 7, 2014 9:22am
Did you actually put 6 points into Ancient Seal?

Shadowblade as core item? What, you want to sneak behind the enemy, use Mystic Flare and hope for a kill?

2 Shiva's in luxury item build... Bottle as starting item. Dude, that would maybe work on... No, it wouldn't ever work.
Darionnn17 | May 7, 2014 7:21am
Thank you very much for your opinions guys .. well i guess thats how i play it i mean i prefer to start everything without wasting much money on scythe and etc but thanks i will try to improve that in new guides instead of putting down what i do instead of what is meant to be done in most games.

Thanks ^^
Allegiance (9) | May 7, 2014 3:15am
Yep, pretty much what Sando says:
Levelling up Silence + Arcane Bolt boosts your damage more then levelling up concussive shot. 1 level in slow is enough. Also, don't forget the utility that comes from a long range, instant silence and that it boosts your teams damage as well!
Sando (118) | May 7, 2014 3:11am
Nicely presented guide, but yeah there are some fairly major problems with the skill and item builds. You need points in Ancient Seal early on, it's very effective for ganking and scales your damage very effectively.

The item build is badly, badly, lacking in intelligence boosting items, and frankly SM needs to bulk out his health too as he's so squishy. I'd leave the Bloodstone as a luxury item, and look at items like Null Talisman, Force Staff, Rod of Atos well before this. Arcane Boots offer more than Tranquil Boots on this hero. Don't have a problem with the Dagon either, but this should be got early if at all, and obviously you should consider Scythe of Vyse.

Edit: Forgot to mention Veil of Discord, builds from Null, boosts your survivability and magic damage too.
Moodkill (9) | May 7, 2014 1:45am
I'd rather get arcane over tranquil despite the price difference, skywrath tends to run out of mana very quickly and a forcestaff can replace the shadow blade if you wanted to use shadow blade as an escape item.
Allegiance (9) | May 7, 2014 1:38am
Sorry lad, but Itembuild and Skillbuild is just bad.
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