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Skitskurr comes for you...

March 9, 2013 by EvilDevil06
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DotA2 Hero: Weaver

Hero Skills

Rewoven (Innate)

The Swarm



1 3 5 7

Geminate Attack

2 4 6 8

Time Lapse

10 11 16


12 13 14 15 17 18

Skitskurr comes for you...

March 9, 2013


Hello, and welcome to my build for Skitskurr, the Weaver and also the game's best escape character! In this guide you can learn about his skills and how to harass and kill enemies easily. If you want to ask something about the build or advise, feel free to write an E-mail to me.


The Swarm:

A good idea for this skill is to use it before team fight because it decreases the enemy's armor, and also if somebody got hit by the swarm you can see him/her anywhere until the little weaver is killed.


This is your ultimate escape, and anti-escape skill.That's why we pump points to it first. Don't be afraid to use this, becuase it has a low mana cost (60).With this skill in most of the fights you can escape if you use it in the right time, and also if somebody tries to escape you can catch up with him in no time.

Germinate Attack:

A very good last hitter, and farming skill, that's why it's very important to pump point to it in early levels.Also you can harass your enemies in a very safe way with this skill, because of the double hit.

Time Lapse:

This is your ultimate. Which has 0 mana cost at level 16. If you have good reflexes, this ultimate will be your favourite. You can go to your enemy's base and kill 2 of them, and then (if you have low hp) cast your ultimate and you'll be fine with full hp and a double kill.It's very important to cast it in the right time.


The doube tango is very important for regen and the ring of protection is important too cuz it's needed for Ring of Basilius.The Iron Branches are good too because you get some early stats.
Note that your early game will be very boring, and you don't want to get killed or ganked.
After Linken's Sphere which is very important the Monkey King Bar lets you grab some kills just like tha Butterfly after it.
The Abyssal Blade is needed for it's stun/bash and also gives you a pretty cool damage.

Pros / Cons

Best escape in the game!!!
Nice damage.
Good mana!
Good for starting a team fight with 'The Swarm'!
If you play him well he'll give you a good K/D!

Low Hp.
If there are nukers you're nothing without Linken's Sphere.

Creeping / Jungling

You can farm very effectively thanks to your 'Germinate Attack', and that's why we pump points to it at early levels.Somebody likes farming with 'Shukuchi' but i think you'd better keep it if you have to escape, but It's fine too.

Team Work

Start the teamfight with 'The Swarm' and after that use your 'Shukuchi' to get to the fight, and after that start hitting them so hard and their HP bar will be empty .If you have low hp and it seem like your team loses the fight, quickly cast your ulti, because you don't want to be a feeder, and then cast 'Shukuchi' and escape from the battle.

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