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16 Votes

Skeleton King - I'll cleave your skull!

February 20, 2013 by Laudes
Comments: 14    |    Views: 172407    |   

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alexan1308 | February 26, 2013 10:57pm
I think you should wait until lvl 4 with lvling critical strike. Put 2 points into stats, it makes you overall better with mana(your gonna need it later),and make him hit harder when you get critical strike, because with the low starting stats critical strike isn't going to help you much. See if you wait 2 lvls and give stats that gives you:

2x : 2.9+ 4 strenght

2x 1.7+ 4 agility

2x 1.6+4 mana
xxblackxxrosexx | December 10, 2012 2:27am
nice guide, +1
HazimRS | December 6, 2012 1:11pm
Oh nvm
HazimRS | December 6, 2012 4:25am
add divine rapier to situational items? good guide anyway +1
Laudes (1) | November 22, 2012 7:23am
Allegiance wrote:

you should add Assault Cuirass to the item list.
Also I would remove heart an abyssal from the core items, they are just way to expensive to be considered "core" (on top of that, SK's AS is not that good before late game, so I would really prefer getting something else for my core)

otherwise good guide

Oh, AC was in the guide, it is in the item explanations but somehow I think I removed it accidently from the item build. As Midas + Treads + (active) armlet gives 75 IAS I dunno, but I'll change it.
Allegiance (9) | November 19, 2012 5:24am
you should add Assault Cuirass to the item list.
Also I would remove heart an abyssal from the core items, they are just way to expensive to be considered "core" (on top of that, SK's AS is not that good before late game, so I would really prefer getting something else for my core)

otherwise good guide
Mirror (22) | November 13, 2012 3:05pm
The guild looks great now. Easily +1
Sp12 (25) | November 11, 2012 5:22am
IMO that's too many early non-stat levels. You should probably just keep grabbing them until ~level 8 so that you have the int pool to stun twice and reincarnate. About time we had a guide that doesn't recommend maxing hellfire blast.
Wulfstan (77) | November 11, 2012 1:51am
I don't like Battle Fury on SK,unbeneficial,gives some poor damage and the regen.YOu could substitute this with a Soul Ring thats saves your *** much,like right when you're about to die and you're without mana,just use Soul Ring.
Nlsnightmare21 (3) | November 10, 2012 11:55pm
First, Faceless Voids Backtrack isn't considered evation, so Monkey King Bar doesn't do anything to him except if he has a Butterfly. Also, why take crit at lvl2-3? Isn't better to get HELLFIRE BLAST then stats till lvl6? Still a good guide, and the items suggestions are good, so +1 from me
Fishy (2) | November 10, 2012 2:51pm
Very good guide, but i disagree with some of the item choices
Vladmir's is good late game for the damage bonus, but if you are playing carry you shouldn't be the one holding it as it takes up an item slot which is extremely valuable late game.

Diffusal is also a bad choice imo as the components when building it serve no purpose to SK nor does the bonus agility.

I'm sort of iffy about leaving hellfire at lvl 1 . It costs the same amount of mana and provides more utility early game then any of your other skills. I see the reasoning behind it though.
Laudes (1) | November 10, 2012 2:37pm
Your comments make me extremly happy, and yes this is my second guide of my life (the first was quite fail, concider this my first REAL guide) and I'm going to update it, it took at while to write it all and it felt better to publish it as it was and update it instead of waiting.

For the radiance; Yeah, there might be better items, but for some reason I just like getting this. I think the attackspeed is high enough with the Midas and the Treads for "mid" game, since the radiance should be there about 20min. After the radiance (if I go for it) then I get some attackspeed item like armlet or hyperstone etc...

Thanks! :-)
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