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7 Votes

Silent Death (Laning Shadowblade Doom)

May 31, 2013 by Sozmatron
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Friendly Enemy | October 26, 2015 8:16pm
Just a something that came to mind, but you should NEVER, EVER, buy a Daedalus on Doom. The Alpha Wolf gives you a free Critical Strike so please don't waste it...
Chicken here (2) | May 31, 2013 12:38pm
How about a Linken's Sphere?It solves doom bringer's mana issues and gains a noost in stats while giving him a defense mechanism to go against spells like Bane's Fiend's Grip and Beastmaster's Primal Roar.
O-R-W-K | May 31, 2013 12:29pm
You guys seem to know a bit about doom. Would an armlet be viable? He has low agi gain so low attack speed, more damage and more survivability.
sulaxrox (6) | April 18, 2013 8:46pm
Doom is an outstanding hard carry, I like the guide and will vote it up, but I heavily disagree with giving him a shadow blade. Reasoning behind that is because his unkillabpe build starting with a vanguard into radiance allows him to outlast and out dps teams. Doom cannot afford to buy a shadow blade unless its low level pubs without any invis detection. He has **** armor and needs vanguard ASAP to survive ganks and early fights, radiance is a godsend when you combo it with his hellfire, and it speeds up his farm which is already fast as is. Buying a shadow blade may boost his speed, damage and give him invis, but it is not advisable especially if you're the only carry, if you're not than equip it and gank away, but this hero is generally intended to tank and outlast your opponents, phase boots, vg, radiance, bkb, AC, all he really ever needs, let support buy something like vlads, and leave the Daedalus and shadow blade for heroes like Drow and Kunkka, those are two items you don't need with this hero. Doom also really doesn't need heart either his strength gain and health pool are incredible get something like satanic that you can utilize a portion of it earlier to dominate a bird in the jungle and boost your farm than use it or a centaur in team fights, satanic gives you enough of a boost and the advantage of massive lifesteal, heart is redundant with his health pool. Great guide for a ganker styled doom but as it was stated doom is a great hard carry he just needs the time to get his core items up. +1 regardless
Compressicep (9) | January 15, 2013 12:23pm
Hades4u wrote:

Nice guide, I really like Doom Bringer, I believe this might work, but you'll need a pretty good team, since Doom Bringer isn't a really great carry late game.

Isn't a great late game carry? What are you talking about?? He is a hard carry.

He might not be a late game carry with this build, but give him a VG and Radiance and BKB and he will carry late game no problem.
Zedek | January 15, 2013 7:00am
Interesting guide; adds some escaping/initiating capability.

That being said, there's just one thing I didn't like about it... and that was the disparaging way you spoke of Radiance for Doombringer.

First, 25 minutes is a little late, but can still be effective. It's use is multifaceted. I will readily agree that it's not the best 1v1 item... however, it is an excellent teamfight item. Combined with lvl4 scorched earth, Radiance allows you to do 1200 over 16 seconds. That is significant.

Just to put that into perspective, that's more than a maxed out Sand King ult. Granted it's over 16 seconds, but the enemy team literally melts away.

Next, Radiance allows you to farm and push lanes like a beast. How often have you cursed an Anti-Mage that is split-pushing faster than your entire team, forcing you to have to TP and defend? Well, now you can effectively do that too.

Am I saying Radiance is core? Not exactly, but I will say that it's a solid choice that can easily solidify your victory, or even turn a game around.
Wulfstan (77) | December 12, 2012 9:11am
Sozmatron wrote:

That purge is not only melee but also costs 120 mana which is about half your mana, it's absolutely rubbish in my opinion unless you are lucky enough to have a windrunner or dark seer run right past you.

Rubbish?Tell that to a mid doom bringer that can gank better than Pudge with that.Just get Phase Boots, Bottle,get the purge and start the ganking galore.

The centaur that also gives attack speed and a hefty 2 second stun,the wildkin with the armor aura,the ghost with the free skadi(no stats though),the kobold with the speed aura etc.

Even the fat satyr with the Orb that he shoots out and the regen aura,could aid you on going to a solo side lane.
They are all good,and you should perhaps try them out.

THAT IS WHAT MAKES DOOM GOOD,VERSATILITY,something you listed in the PROS but you haven't shown us.
You only listed 1 way of playing him on which I don't fully agree with.
Sozmatron | December 12, 2012 7:56am
That purge is not only melee but also costs 120 mana which is about half your mana, it's absolutely rubbish in my opinion unless you are lucky enough to have a windrunner or dark seer run right past you.
Wulfstan (77) | December 12, 2012 7:16am
Just eat a satyr trickster and get the 5 second purge(you move as slow as if you were used uppon diffuzal blade for 5 seconds.)
Hades4u (296) | December 12, 2012 5:20am
Nice guide, I really like Doom Bringer, I believe this might work, but you'll need a pretty good team, since Doom Bringer isn't a really great carry late game.
Griffith (2) | December 12, 2012 4:02am
Nice guide, some few spelling mistakes, but otherwise very nice guide. You didn't go the standard item build for doom which is good. A couple of things are missing like, will this build work in normal pub games, which lane to choose, lane partners to team up with, replays, who is dooms worst nightmare etc. These things might seem simple to you but someone who wants to become an decent Doom Bringer will want to know everything there is to know about him.
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