Silencer Support 12 sec silence
August 4, 2016
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Ok This is my guide to silencer support.
Playing as 4 position support top with no jungle is best but playing as 5 works too if u got carrys that can stun.
Basically u roam and ward ward ward and tp and gank try and get assists for your carrys
The build is always the same as long as game goes long enough you win mostly.
Remember roam and gank u need ur int.
Remember you dont need damage you get damage automatically from getting assists
If your carries are really useless you should of stolen enough int to carry for them by time you get refresher.
rush force staff boots refresher aghs.
some games i dont get force until 30+ mins it doesnt matter keep warding...
You can stack curse of silent 4 times with aghs and refresher.
Typically if you can farm refresher u auto win. but not on rare occasions u might need aghs as well.
curse of the silence can be gotten at lvl 2 or 4 but only 1 point til other skills maxed.
Curse of Silent is really really bad unless you stack it dont waste more than 1 point, just to scare other team in laning phase.
Make sure lvl 1 is your orb the amount of times you can get kill at rune is incredible.
Also its awesome for harrass.(best 1 point ever spent)
Once you get refresher remember u can silence people with bkb but they can bkb out of silence. so you silence once wait for bkb then silence again or just do the 12 sec silence.
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