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7 Votes

sick build ck

September 27, 2012 by pandiak
Comments: 6    |    Views: 7882    |   

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Numeta (27) | September 28, 2012 12:03pm
0/10 troll
hubey | September 28, 2012 10:21am
skill build is bad. you don't get ulti at lvl 6 because your mp doesn't allow it and crits early aren't that useful. starting items are missing. lifesteal/diffusal doesn't stack as already mentioned. i don't think soul ring is a great choice because you don't spam your spells. you should rather get a higher mp and depend on your teammates to get arcane boots off on you. this way you can get off your lane to gank faster (dota is a team game). you can build soul ring ofc, but i simply don't think that it's the best choice. same thing goes for the urn. also the build up for urn isn't that great because you don't need 2 gauntles for start. i'd rather see magic stick and drum. diffu and ac don't complement each other. they're good items, but ac won't give you a great better chance to manaburn. manta is better for this f.e. so the build needs a explanation and an edit really badly.
jaslam (21) | September 28, 2012 2:51am
you can drop the soul ring or urn for a basilius, then drop the Helm for a vladamirs - get the same results, more aoe and you can still build diffusal.
personally I would build a manta if you could before any item - if the farm permits - if not still get it before the diffusal.

skills build - you don't need crit so early - you have no illusions (who do 100% dmg dnt forget) and the CD on your reality rift is 10 years.. poor skill build; not even finished guide.. -1
superfast1000 | September 27, 2012 11:49pm
Soul ring is a very goood item for any hero who has low mana pool.. and i agree too that life steal and diffiusal wont stack but it is a very good item for the Choas as the ulti illusion can also mana burn the enemy hero. i would prefer manta style instead of the Abysaal blade..
PotM_Plz (19) | September 27, 2012 4:45pm
The life-steal and mana burn from both Helm, and Diffusal don't stack either.....
wilddeonpwn (102) | September 27, 2012 4:29pm
Why the soul ring
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