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Shovels and skulls! An Anti-Alt-Tab Meepo Guide

April 10, 2013 by Daft Llama
Comments: 7    |    Views: 23088    |   

My Standard Build

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

Hero Skills

Sticky Fingers (Innate)


2 8 10 12


3 4 5 7


9 13 14 15

Divided We Stand

6 11 16


1 17 18

Let's get this over with. I ain't leaving empty handed!

Welcome to a guide about one of my favourite heroes, Meepo the Geomancer!

Meepo is a hero that can allow you to have ridiculous amounts of fun with a little determination. He is a carry that can deal effective magical and physical damage, that has superb crowd control (CC).

Meepo is a complex hero that I don't see anybody picking up and playing on the first game. This is why this guide is going to be an Anti-Alt-Tab Guide.

I will be breaking this guide down into many chapters, as each point I bring up will deserve a full description to allow you to understand the mechanics.


If you ask me, life is all about who you know and what you can find. When you live up in the Riftshadow Ruins, just finding food can be tough. So you need to cut corners, you need to scrounge, you need to know your strengths. Some of the beasts up there can kill you, so you need a way to trap the weak and duck the strong. On the upside, the ruins have history, and history is worth a lot to some people. There used to be a palace there, where they had all these dark rituals. Bad stuff. If you survived the ceremony, they would shatter a crystal and split your soul into pieces. They made great art though! Sculptures and such. Let me tell you: sometimes you stumble onto some of those old carvings. Take a pack full of those to town and sell them, then get yourself food for a few weeks. If luck is really on your side, you might find a Riftshadow crystal. Get it appraised and start asking around. Someone always knows some crazy fool looking for this kind of thing. If all else fails, sell it to a Magus the next time one's in town. They love that stuff. Still, whatever you do, be careful handling those crystals. You do not want one to go off on you. It really hurts.

Pros + Cons


-A disable that interrupts channeling, stops invis, and blinking
-Slow ability with potent damage over time (DoT)
-Can jungle at level 6 with Vlad's
-Can push multiple lanes (micro-intensive)
-Great CC
-Global Presence
-Can solo Roshan late game
-Fun dialogue
-Gain major respect when playing him successfully


-Very squishy (most noticeably early game)
-Can be taken out of a team fight very easily (if one Meepo dies, ALL die)
-Earthbind is not a single target spell (so you can miss it)


With all of those pros, he seems like he has only a few minor trade-offs. However, please don't be fooled that these cons are absolutely massive!

What's the big idea?

Meepo is a semi-carry, he will normally take the #2 spot, as he just doesn't have the brute-strength or solid escape to eliminate the worry of focused ganks. Meepo is a good ganker, albeit his base move speed is relatively slow, but we will get around to explaining how this is countered.

Your objective in the game is to rack up hero kills as a one man gank squad, stopping enemies in their tracks and beating them to the punch(es) with a flurry of shovels. You are an offensive hero, and should never be caught out of position.

Fancy Geomancy! Skills


Earthbind is your main disable. It disrupts channeling, stops the ability to blink whilst ensnared, and makes heroes unable to turn invisible (however, heroes that are already invisible will not be affected by the earthbind at all). It lasts for 2 seconds at any level, but it's ranges increases with each level.


This is a very fun spell. It allows Meepo and hi clones to 'poof' to any other Meepo, causing damage at the departure and arrival location. The maximum damage caused (at level 4) is 140, at each location.

The kick with this spell is that you can poof to the same spot! This incurs 280 magical damage per Meepo! This means if you have 5 Meepos, all doing the poof at the same point you can deal (1400 Magical damage - 25% magic resistance) 1050 magical damage.


Geostrike is where Meepo gains his right-clicking ability. Geostrike at max level causes a 20% slow, and 28 damage per second. The wow factor is that this effect is applied individually with each Meepo, causing massive slow. With 5 Meepos it will cause 100% slow, however please note that a slow ability will never fully stop a hero. Slow abilities will only bring people down to 100 move speed at a minimum.

Divided We Stand:

This spell is what makes Meepo, Meepo.

Divided We Stand creates an imperfect clone of Meepo that gains gold and experience as he does and uses the same abilities (does not share cool downs). The clones cannot carry any items except the boots that the primary Meepo is wearing, and all clones gain 30% of any bonus attributes the primary Meepo has. If any Meepo dies, all Meepos die.

Been meaning to get that! Item build

Starting Items:

I always buy 2 rings of protection, and if you so desire, maybe some iron branches. The justification for this is that you can buy the rest of your early game items for the side shop and save the courier for somebody else to use.

Early Game Items:

You need to farm Tranquil boots and a Ring of Basilius as soon as possible. Please note that you may not be able to farm and last hit at all, don't panic, you can make it back in the jungle later. Don't get killed.

Core Items:

You should get the Vlad's first, and by this time you should be at least level 6, in which case, roam free into the jungle! (You can also use poof to destroy the camps). Then build the Aghanims, and then treads.

Also note, that Aghanim's Scepter gives you an extra Meepo clone, and makes bonus attributes shared go from 30% to 100%. This is the reason why you go for the Armlet and the Heart after the Aghanim's, as the attribute bonus is fairly useless until that 100% bonus.

Secondary Core Game Items:

These items should be picked up after the previous items. Build the Armlet first, it is a lot cheaper and can give you some nice survivability. The Heart should follow after, and just buy each part as and when you can. If you are capable, then jungle with some Meepos whilst you use others to gank, don't forget that you can bring the Meepos that are jungling into the fight with Poof!

The last section:

This is a loadout when the enemy team is severely underfarmed, and you are just messing about. Although, please note, some of these items are justified. If somebody on the team builds a Vlad's you may consider building the Manta late game. Experiment!

Alternative Item Build:

This build is one that was used a lot previously when caries used to carry the mekansm. The build focuses on Auras that therefore benefit all of the Meepos rather than just the main Meepo. So the build here is slightly flexible, and makes Meepo much more of a utility hero.

I got ambition! Playstyle

Hopefully, if you are still reading this, you are still interested in learning this wonderful character. This chapter describes general milestones in your gameplay and objectives you should hope to achieve.

Early game:

-Stay safe
-Hold out without dieing until you can either go to the jungle or until the ganking phase of the game starts (when you get level 6 your farming capability in the lane becomes stronger)

Mid game:

-Try to gank if possible
-Keep farming
-Take Roshan as and when available if you can

Late game:

-Keep the pressure on the enemy
-When you get 5 Meepos, your barrage of attacks will melt towers with sustained damage

Shiny! Item build justification

This is a build I have been recommended, and have seen in other guides.

This is not what the old Meepo build looked like, and is a slight variation from the original Meepo build (the aforementioned 'Alternative Build').

For example, the old build had a mek, whilst I find supports now buy this item anyway, you can invest your gold elsewhere (Armlet for example).

The armlet needs a special mention. The HP drain when armlet is toggled affects only your primary Meepo, however...the bonuses affect every single Meepo!

Please also note, if your team already has a Vlad's, for example, if you have an Ursa in your team, you will need to adapt. Invest your money into the rest of your items, maybe go for that alluring Manta with the cash you save.

My build tries to create a strong Meepo squad with serious base damage, and enough strength to last an engagement.

You guys! We're all gonna be rich! Rich!

Thank you for reading this guide, I hope you have enjoyed it.

If you have any suggestions or comments etc then leave them below, they allow the guide to become better with more feedback. Please also rate the guide fairly if you do! :)

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