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Shielded (6.88 dated)

August 23, 2016 by RmbRT
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Prezombie (1) | August 21, 2016 3:15pm
This is far from 6.88 ready.
Magic wand doesn't even build from 3 branches anymore.

Q is medusa's primary source of farming in the midgame. A value point at 4 makes it possible for you to deny and last hit at the same time, as well as potentially get harrass in without aggroing the creeps.

Bloodstone is awesome, but if you're building towards it with a soul ring, there's no point in maxing E second, a maxed snake lets you easily refill your mana with a lane or a good jungle camp. Better to get Q online so you can farm and contribute a bit more to teamfights.

And hello, medusa isn't squishy. she doesn't need a salve, she has her mana shield. She barely needs tangoes. With a Faerie Fire and a Mango she has decent passive regen, a bit more damage, and a little burst refill if it's really needed.

Shields, gods no, not stout, not Poor Man's, and especially not Vanguard. Those items are pure waste on a ranged hero. none of those items reduce how much damage mana shield tanks, and so even if they were effective on ranged heroes, all they do is leave you with a little more HP when your mana is all gone.

Midas is just a waste. It's for speeding up the farm of heroes with slow farm. Medusa can already farm like a beast.

Power treads are great on medusa for the reasons listed, but why in heck would you get treads AND soul ring/bloodstone? one or the other is plenty for mana sustainability.

Armlet?? Medusa isn't a melee Strength hero, getting this isn't a desperation move, it's just pure crazy. If your bloodstone is built, you don't need helm of iron will, you just leave mana shield on and farm until it's time to push or defend.

Your MKB information is simply wrong. Split shot's secondary arrows do get true strike, but does not apply to buildings. You still miss from downhill or into AW's bubble if you're aiming at a tower.

A better cheap damage item to consider instead of Armlet is Maelstrom. It cheaply speeds up farm, increases teamfight damage, and upgrades into Mjolnir for even more damage plus a nice active ability.

Desolator is simply an awful item on medusa. Vlads is the worst lifesteal option for her, and she needs some. on a level 16 Medusa, Treads Armlet Deso Vlads gets 175 DPS against an enemy with 15 armor. for 9500 gold. You can outstrip that with Treads or Phase boots, Mask of madness, and a single damage item for similiar cost. Heck, Treads Aquila MoM Maelstom beats it with less than 7000 gold.

BKB is decent for countering a lot of stuns, but what you really want it for is to counter mana burn. Antimage, PL, and Riki can all wreck Medusa in the late game without it.

Refresher orb is gimmicky and should be reserved for games when your team has like, no lockdown. Plus it's passive is totally redundant with bloodstone. It's a decent item if you go skadi instead though, especially since you can get a single perseverance after skadi to fill your sustainability needs, then make Refresher, Lotus, or Linkins depending on what you need.
RmbRT | August 23, 2016 9:15am
Did I say that all branches have to be built into an actual item later. And the other items, i explained their reasons down below in the guide. And I do think that MKB doesn't affect the secondary targets, as it is an attack modifier, and these explicitly don't apply to split shot. I will reconfirm this, though, as it is quite important. So what you're basically saying is, only the Bash does not apply to secondary targets, but true strike does? And your arguments about midas and Armlet will be taken into consideration, thanks for that. I actually kept them in this guide from an old drafting version. I think I'll remove Vlad's and Desolator again, and your Skadi -> Refresher (or Perseverance) idea sounds nice. Of course you can keep out your stout and salve, but I was trying to make a build that makes it impossible to be harassed out of lane (or at least hard to achieve). Also note that I prefer to have my mana shield turned off (in the laning phase), if I run the risk of losing mana so I can't use Mystic Snake again.

Many thanks for your input.
Kyphoid returns (42) | August 21, 2016 7:16am
Here let me help you

Best Medusa build if you want to.go the no.stats way

Phase boots
Assault cuirass
octarine core
Daedalus and

Substitute your items with these as per situation
Linken sphere
Lotus orb
Shiva's guard
Monkey king bar
Black king bar
RmbRT | August 21, 2016 2:38pm
Could you explain why you added the Octarine Core as a core item? in the late game, team fights are not that frequent, and your Stone Gaze cooldown is actually fast enough in my opinion. And the life you steal with the Mystic Snake is not that much either. Please elaborate. Also, you didn't add any lifesteal or regeneration item (except Octarine Core, which is kind of weak on medusa if you want to use it for regeneration).
Fedorable (23) | August 21, 2016 6:55pm
RmbRT wrote:
Could you explain why you added the Octarine Core as a core item? in the late game, team fights are not that frequent, and your Stone Gaze cooldown is actually fast enough in my opinion. And the life you steal with the Mystic Snake is not that much either. Please elaborate. Also, you didn't add any lifesteal or regeneration item (except Octarine Core, which is kind of weak on medusa if you want to use it for regeneration).

I see you're new to dotafire
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michimatsch (26) | August 21, 2016 4:45am
For the love of god never build a freaking Vanguard on Medusa!
It literally blocks 16 dmg. 16! That is almost nothing. You might as well get a Yasha to avoid these amounts of damage.
And an Armlet of Mordiggan on Medusa sounds horrible as well.
Bloodstone is an item I would never get on Medusa but it seems to be never going out of fashion in some mmrs so I assume there is some hidden reason here.
As you love experementing, did you ever try out a Mask of Madness on Medusa?
RmbRT | August 21, 2016 2:30pm
Alright, if you read the guide, I said in the item section that Vanguard is only really useful if you want to get an Abyssal Blade, which is highly situational. I just added it for the sake of completeness. Also, it actually blocks 40 damage, because it is applied after the Mana Shield reduction. I did not try a Mask of Madness with this build in particular yet, but I can imagine that it would be quite powerful. I will test it out and add it to the build tomorrow. Also, the Armlet of Mordiggian is actually stronger than the Helm of the Dominator at the time you get it. It is only later in the game that it is overshadowed by Helm of the Dominator / Satanic. Also the main reason to prefer the Bloodstone over other tank items is the respawn time reduction.
Gajirabute (1) | August 8, 2016 2:15am
I am actually very happy that someone has got this deep into medusa's item build and has discovered her weaknesses and how to overcome them and i dont want to say(nor am i saying) that your build is bad but i just want u to make it better and please experiment on my advice and give me some feedback.

First of all, a medusa safelane should always have her first point in the mystic snake as if used correctly, will give very nice mana sustain as well as a very annoying harassing tool.after that a manna shield is essential.

Secondly,after putting a point in her ult we should also put 2 points in the split shot as it is a great farming tool till the mid game because medusa has enough damage now.A mana shield could be maxed later since two points are enough to show its effieciency or survive ganks.

I also have an issue on building a blood stone on medusa. a bloodstone for an item is not worth paying the price on medusa. Try rushing nothing else but an eye of skadi, it gives 25 points in each of ur stats, thats insane, as medusa needs everything, she gets the tankiness, the mana regen as well as the amazing slow, try experimenting an eye of skadi as ur core.

After the eye of skadi i usually get daedulus, but its totally up to the player, do what u feel like however i recommend getting a moon shard against a huskar, as soon as he jumps on u ult, then turn of the split shot and mow him down with the attack speed.

Oh and i almost forgot, always remeber a medusa's ult can pierce through a BKB thats the best part man, it is unavoidable.

Id love it if u add me, ID;240485725
RmbRT | August 20, 2016 6:57pm
Alright, I added a section explaining why I didn't choose items that were long established in Medusa builds. Regarding the skill order:
  • Mystic Snake level 1 is just too weak and a waste of mana. I'd rather get one early level in the Mana Shield to get more survivability in the lane. Although it is weak early on, I still try to max it out as soon as possible, since it not only harasses well, it also helps when you want push / get last hits. Especially since this build focuses on mana regeneration, you can use it to farm without any worries (remember the Power Treads switching).
  • Split Shot at level 7+8: I personally don't have enough damage at this point to be able to last hit well with the Split Shot damage reduction. This might be my lack of skill. Maybe I'll add a section concerning the skill choice one of these days.
Regarding the Bloodstone: I added a bit more of an explanation in the guide as to why I think the Bloodstone is so good on Medusa. And since I put it in my build, the Eye of Skadi is no longer viable, because what good is a medusa with Bloodstone and Eye of Skadi, if she has no damage. And I don't really want to deviate from the Bloodstone. I can see your point though in that the Eye of Skadi into Daedalus is really effective, it's just that it conflicts with the idea of this build. The initial idea was to create a Medusa build that makes her tanky early on, so that she doesn't lose farm by dying. And I am convinced that Eye of Skadi does not give as much survivability as a Bloodstone does (at ~20 minutes into the game). Also, The nice thing about Bloodstones is that they reduce your respawning time in the late game, and this can be crucial, comparable to a second buyback.

I added you on steam, look for a dubious friend request, thats me.
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