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Anyway, here's my usual build
Vlads, arcane, blink, SnY, heart, basher
You should always consider MKB on any carry, because its almost required against anyone who gets butterfly or has evasion (PA, brew)
You should probably just remove Vanguard from consideration. If you are rushing Vlads/Phase, by the time you get to Vanguard the amount of damage block is almost worthless, the Health regen is meaningless, and holding onto a naked Vitality booster until you get Heart is a push for health gain. Plus you cannot disassemble it later for the Vit Booster into heart so you have to sell it off.
My bad, Vanguard is actually sometimes used as a REPLACEMENT for early vlads. should i ever take mid with ursa, and should my team have no early gamers except me, I will probably get vanguard as you can still solo roshan relatively well with a vanguard.
Still, in my opinion, vlads is generally better scaling into late game as it solves your mana issues till late in the game.
However, vanguard does help you pack a bigger punch and does give you the tankiness needed to rambo.
Good guide, though I never considered getting MKB on ursa, ill try it though
You should always consider MKB on any carry, because its almost required against anyone who gets butterfly or has evasion (PA, brew)
You should probably just remove Vanguard from consideration. If you are rushing Vlads/Phase, by the time you get to Vanguard the amount of damage block is almost worthless, the Health regen is meaningless, and holding onto a naked Vitality booster until you get Heart is a push for health gain. Plus you cannot disassemble it later for the Vit Booster into heart so you have to sell it off.