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66 Votes

Share my torment - Leshrac Build/Guide

May 21, 2012 by ToyBoats
Comments: 28    |    Views: 488623    |   

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RK1728 | October 14, 2015 9:03pm
Hi, i'm new to this DOTA game. I don't know how to use the items which i bought from shop except Health & MANA. I just played well with Leshrac but don't know to use the items which i bought.
compgenie | March 15, 2014 6:51am
Why not add a Veil of Discord as a situational item to really up the already massive damage you do, if the opponent has tanky heroes? Gives you good stats + regen + armour!
iChazz | October 6, 2013 11:34am
Surely a ghost scepter is a key item for Leshrac? all his damage output is casted magical, and when facing a gank or 1v1 from right clickers etc, staying alive for 4 seconds longer can mean much higher damage output in a fight, not to mention the stat bonuses.
michael5098 (1) | August 13, 2013 7:57am
1. You should include a support build
2. Maxing lightning storm first is a very valid build (you will see many pro players do this) if your not aiming to push early, since the damage is more reliable. And especially since the nerf to edict.
3. You should talk more about phases of the game.
4. Add more info and tips about the skills. Example, animation cancelling split earth with "s". This is crucial for accurately landing stuns.
Pearberr | January 28, 2013 2:31am
ToyBoats wrote:
Thanks a lot for pointing that out, Im so used to lol that I forgot each skill only had 4 levels. If thats not what you meant, and you were talking about the actual order of skills could you please specify what think is questionable.

The one thing I would question is upgrading split earth so quickly. I'm no Leshrac expert but the damage increase is minimal, the mana increase is costly and the stun, the valuable part of the spell does not get upgraded. I would put a point into that at level 1 or 2 for sure, but then max it last at level 14.
Caiobb | January 9, 2013 6:02am
You should include Shadow Demon and Outworld Destroyer as friends of Leshrac. Disruption makes for an eaaaasy Split Earth, and this combo is used so much in competitive play.
Dmaxzy | December 14, 2012 11:02am
Nice guide, really helpin me bro, but i prefer only gettin 1 lvl split earth then max lightning storm and diabolic
Akyrimos | December 1, 2012 11:03pm
Great guide! I was playing against a faceless void and he inadvertently wiped his own team :D
Dr Kramshaw (1) | October 30, 2012 3:50am
You don't really talk about how to play Leshrac. I didn't really learn anything apart from item and skill choices.
Molokh | September 15, 2012 1:24am
Excellent guide, although I tend to agree with HamSandwich over the skill builds, the damage output with one level of Split Earth and maxed out Edict and Lightning on the enemy team is simply ridiculous by mid-game.

Also I wanted to add, since I think it's relevant : you say omniknight shuts down you completely, you shouldn't ever forget that Edict is mixed damage,so physical as well, and so bypasses repel, juggernaut's spin-to-win, BKBs,... This has surprised many of my foes :D
TangoNCash (3) | September 5, 2012 8:15am
A small note: when playing leshrac I tend to disassemble the arcane boots in order to use the mana booster in the bloodstone. It saves you some money, and you want to rush Bloodstone as quick as possible; after you can buy phase boots.
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