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ShaDy_FeDGoD's Guide to Profit Trading

October 19, 2013 by ShaDy_FeDGoD
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ShaDy_FeDGoD's Guide to Profit Trading

October 19, 2013


Hi Its me again ShaDy_FeDGoD

You might have read or not my Guide for Lycanthrope. The Guide that tells you how to play Lycan from a Sideline Laner transitioning to Jungler then to Carry.

But enough of that, I am here to tell you some tips, tricks and advices I have learned or experienced during my Trading.

I know there are other people more better or greater than me in terms of "Trading". But I am just here to tell other novice people some tips to be a DECENT trader.

I am giving alot of emphasis on the DECENT trader because this guide wont make you a great trader where you can have like Dragon Claw Hook or Arcana from trading commons or uncommons.

What is Profit Trading?

Profit Trading is any item be it common, uncommon or rare where you trade it and gain profit. People may say your greedy or highballer but your not. You are a TRADER. Always remember that.

Trading is a Business. There is not such kind of Business where the there is no profit and this is a Fact.

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