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I mean...your item progression is ok and and all if you're like 10-0 by 20 minutes. I think one of the major issues with this guide is it's an "absolute best case" guide. It has no contingency plan for when you don't start snowballing, or when you're losing a game horribly at the beginning. It's not really a guide because it only says what to do when you're stomping. Furthermore, as others have pointed out, you're not going to get that much gold without stealing from your carry, which hurts your team in the long run. Aghs by 20 minutes is terrifying, sure, but that's only because a) you're having a super snowbally game or b) you're severely taxing your carry. Point is: it is highly unlikely to accrue that much money when you're actually playing as a support.
Also, your ONE screenshot means nothing.I'm sure you're pretty good at shaman, but one game doesn't show that. I could put up a screenshot of the time I went 20/3/25 in my storm spirit game the other day, and that doesn't mean I've "mastered" the hero, as you say.
(the moderators agree with me in this "they told me off before " we dont call people kyfoid OK?)
come on ive been reading these comments and honestly i think we should just chill abit.
yes he wrote a guide containing information that some dont think is *correct* but that doesnt mean it isnt *INcorrect*
Shockserpentsha....ahh *** it ill just call you Shockle.
Now Shockle might have had a couple of games where everything went perfect.
remember those?
i had an SS game where i got first blood and second and third 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th ...
all within 10 mins.
i had aghs refresher Boots of travel and BKB by 20 mins
and it was gg by 25. i had 408 gpm at finish.
BUT in saying that... a NORMAL game wont be like that Shockle.
on average 400 gpm in a 20 min game is .... insane...that means on average you would have to have a kill at least every minute. most people cant do that..hell pro players have trouble with that. so you staunchly defending it is ... unrealistic.
now if you can do this every game then props to you!! well done im sure Na'Vi will love you on their roster.
Na'Vi.Shockles (nice ring to it huh?)
please dont make it sound like this is the best build cause honestly ...its not. early game you actually dont have the mana pool for ether shock hex and shackle. 1-5 mins you wont have the farm, the mana pool or the regen to do the things you say without some seriously stupid players on the opposition. maxing ether shock is viable if mid (done it before) but babysitting you need lock down more so a 1-4-4-1 build is recommended. if your babysittting then your not going to be ganking.
you want to know your biggest mistake?
the title.
if it read " Shadow Shaman : A guide to the Seriously scary Super Ganker Shaman" a lot of people will have not commented due to the fact that then they would understand what the build is for.
anyway .... GLHF calm it down lads and lets have some good games :D
You got my thumbs up for you understanding what im trying to say.
Yes you got it right. Most of my games not "ALL" had made me to jump into this guide having the best build in 20 minutes with the same routine same strategy that made this guide possible.
3years playing Shadow Shaman, i should say this is the FRUIT of effort playing 10 games a day or less. You know. i also made a note after each game containing my mistakes in every game i play.
I just want to share how i play today and how i progress in playing this hero.
hope this will not misinterpret all of your thinking about this guide. Just post your comments.
hmm .. another thing. You got it right. the title yes it seems inappropriate with the content.
well im not yet finish furnishing this build so i wont change it as soon as im finish. and also ill be posting some of my games features so this guide will be more interesting. :)
(the moderators agree with me in this "they told me off before " we dont call people kyfoid OK?)
come on ive been reading these comments and honestly i think we should just chill abit.
yes he wrote a guide containing information that some dont think is *correct* but that doesnt mean it isnt *INcorrect*
Shockserpentsha....ahh *** it ill just call you Shockle.
Now Shockle might have had a couple of games where everything went perfect.
remember those?
i had an SS game where i got first blood and second and third 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th ...
all within 10 mins.
i had aghs refresher Boots of travel and BKB by 20 mins
and it was gg by 25. i had 408 gpm at finish.
BUT in saying that... a NORMAL game wont be like that Shockle.
on average 400 gpm in a 20 min game is .... insane...that means on average you would have to have a kill at least every minute. most people cant do that..hell pro players have trouble with that. so you staunchly defending it is ... unrealistic.
now if you can do this every game then props to you!! well done im sure Na'Vi will love you on their roster.
Na'Vi.Shockles (nice ring to it huh?)
please dont make it sound like this is the best build cause honestly ...its not. early game you actually dont have the mana pool for ether shock hex and shackle. 1-5 mins you wont have the farm, the mana pool or the regen to do the things you say without some seriously stupid players on the opposition. maxing ether shock is viable if mid (done it before) but babysitting you need lock down more so a 1-4-4-1 build is recommended. if your babysittting then your not going to be ganking.
you want to know your biggest mistake?
the title.
if it read " Shadow Shaman : A guide to the Seriously scary Super Ganker Shaman" a lot of people will have not commented due to the fact that then they would understand what the build is for.
anyway .... GLHF calm it down lads and lets have some good games :D
Ok, let me explain you why a hero is a support. A hero is a support if it can accomplish a lot without taking farm from your team's core heroes. Core heroes are the heroes on your team that are taking the farm (positions offlane,mid,carry).
So, if you get all these items you say by 20 mins, then you are not supporting, then you are taking farm from your team. That or then the enemy is just walking to you and feeding.
If you go mid with Rhasta, that's okay and all, but then you aren't supporting. Mid-laner is a core position in a team, usually a semi-carry or sometimes even a hard carry. Why is mid-lane a core position? The mid-laner takes farm by lasthitting the creeps and takes exp. Just picking a hero that is usually played as a support doesn't mean you're supporting. If you are a support, your only farm is usually from pulling the lane or doing semi-jungling with some heroes and from ganking. In most cases you will not be last-hitting the creeps in the lane unless your core hero isn't there farming for some reason.
So the point is: supports are in the games because they can have an impact the game without taking farm from your core-heroes who are taking lasthits in lane and taking exp. If any hero has the amount of farm you have on your Rhasta at 20 minutes into the game, that hero is not a support. That hero is a core hero then. That �8 000 gold is gold you could have on your carry or mid or offlane who needs that gold a lot more than you do.
(the moderators agree with me in this "they told me off before " we dont call people kyfoid OK?)
come on ive been reading these comments and honestly i think we should just chill abit.
yes he wrote a guide containing information that some dont think is *correct* but that doesnt mean it isnt *INcorrect*
Shockserpentsha....ahh *** it ill just call you Shockle.
Now Shockle might have had a couple of games where everything went perfect.
remember those?
i had an SS game where i got first blood and second and third 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th ...
all within 10 mins.
i had aghs refresher Boots of travel and BKB by 20 mins
and it was gg by 25. i had 408 gpm at finish.
BUT in saying that... a NORMAL game wont be like that Shockle.
on average 400 gpm in a 20 min game is .... insane...that means on average you would have to have a kill at least every minute. most people cant do that..hell pro players have trouble with that. so you staunchly defending it is ... unrealistic.
now if you can do this every game then props to you!! well done im sure Na'Vi will love you on their roster.
Na'Vi.Shockles (nice ring to it huh?)
please dont make it sound like this is the best build cause honestly ...its not. early game you actually dont have the mana pool for ether shock hex and shackle. 1-5 mins you wont have the farm, the mana pool or the regen to do the things you say without some seriously stupid players on the opposition. maxing ether shock is viable if mid (done it before) but babysitting you need lock down more so a 1-4-4-1 build is recommended. if your babysittting then your not going to be ganking.
you want to know your biggest mistake?
the title.
if it read " Shadow Shaman : A guide to the Seriously scary Super Ganker Shaman" a lot of people will have not commented due to the fact that then they would understand what the build is for.
anyway .... GLHF calm it down lads and lets have some good games :D
Ok, let me explain you why a hero is a support. A hero is a support if it can accomplish a lot without taking farm from your team's core heroes. Core heroes are the heroes on your team that are taking the farm (positions offlane,mid,carry).
So, if you get all these items you say by 20 mins, then you are not supporting, then you are taking farm from your team. That or then the enemy is just walking to you and feeding.
If you go mid with Rhasta, that's okay and all, but then you aren't supporting. Mid-laner is a core position in a team, usually a semi-carry or sometimes even a hard carry. Why is mid-lane a core position? The mid-laner takes farm by lasthitting the creeps and takes exp. Just picking a hero that is usually played as a support doesn't mean you're supporting. If you are a support, your only farm is usually from pulling the lane or doing semi-jungling with some heroes and from ganking. In most cases you will not be last-hitting the creeps in the lane unless your core hero isn't there farming for some reason.
So the point is: supports are in the games because they can have an impact the game without taking farm from your core-heroes who are taking lasthits in lane and taking exp. If any hero has the amount of farm you have on your Rhasta at 20 minutes into the game, that hero is not a support. That hero is a core hero then. That ≈8 000 gold is gold you could have on your carry or mid or offlane who needs that gold a lot more than you do.
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
Also, your ONE screenshot means nothing.I'm sure you're pretty good at shaman, but one game doesn't show that. I could put up a screenshot of the time I went 20/3/25 in my storm spirit game the other day, and that doesn't mean I've "mastered" the hero, as you say.
lads lads lads....
(the moderators agree with me in this "they told me off before " we dont call people kyfoid OK?)
come on ive been reading these comments and honestly i think we should just chill abit.
yes he wrote a guide containing information that some dont think is *correct* but that doesnt mean it isnt *INcorrect*
Shockserpentsha....ahh *** it ill just call you Shockle.
Now Shockle might have had a couple of games where everything went perfect.
remember those?
i had an SS game where i got first blood and second and third 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th ...
all within 10 mins.
i had aghs refresher Boots of travel and BKB by 20 mins
and it was gg by 25. i had 408 gpm at finish.
BUT in saying that... a NORMAL game wont be like that Shockle.
on average 400 gpm in a 20 min game is .... insane...that means on average you would have to have a kill at least every minute. most people cant do that..hell pro players have trouble with that. so you staunchly defending it is ... unrealistic.
now if you can do this every game then props to you!! well done im sure Na'Vi will love you on their roster.
Na'Vi.Shockles (nice ring to it huh?)
please dont make it sound like this is the best build cause honestly ...its not. early game you actually dont have the mana pool for ether shock hex and shackle. 1-5 mins you wont have the farm, the mana pool or the regen to do the things you say without some seriously stupid players on the opposition. maxing ether shock is viable if mid (done it before) but babysitting you need lock down more so a 1-4-4-1 build is recommended. if your babysittting then your not going to be ganking.
you want to know your biggest mistake?
the title.
if it read " Shadow Shaman : A guide to the Seriously scary Super Ganker Shaman" a lot of people will have not commented due to the fact that then they would understand what the build is for.
anyway .... GLHF calm it down lads and lets have some good games :D
You got my thumbs up for you understanding what im trying to say.
Yes you got it right. Most of my games not "ALL" had made me to jump into this guide having the best build in 20 minutes with the same routine same strategy that made this guide possible.
3years playing
I just want to share how i play today and how i progress in playing this hero.
hope this will not misinterpret all of your thinking about this guide. Just post your comments.
hmm .. another thing. You got it right. the title yes it seems inappropriate with the content.
well im not yet finish furnishing this build so i wont change it as soon as im finish. and also ill be posting some of my games features so this guide will be more interesting. :)
SEe you around !
Smuggels sama brings peace to the valley :3
But everything changed when the fire nation attacked.
lads lads lads....
(the moderators agree with me in this "they told me off before " we dont call people kyfoid OK?)
come on ive been reading these comments and honestly i think we should just chill abit.
yes he wrote a guide containing information that some dont think is *correct* but that doesnt mean it isnt *INcorrect*
Shockserpentsha....ahh *** it ill just call you Shockle.
Now Shockle might have had a couple of games where everything went perfect.
remember those?
i had an SS game where i got first blood and second and third 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th ...
all within 10 mins.
i had aghs refresher Boots of travel and BKB by 20 mins
and it was gg by 25. i had 408 gpm at finish.
BUT in saying that... a NORMAL game wont be like that Shockle.
on average 400 gpm in a 20 min game is .... insane...that means on average you would have to have a kill at least every minute. most people cant do that..hell pro players have trouble with that. so you staunchly defending it is ... unrealistic.
now if you can do this every game then props to you!! well done im sure Na'Vi will love you on their roster.
Na'Vi.Shockles (nice ring to it huh?)
please dont make it sound like this is the best build cause honestly ...its not. early game you actually dont have the mana pool for ether shock hex and shackle. 1-5 mins you wont have the farm, the mana pool or the regen to do the things you say without some seriously stupid players on the opposition. maxing ether shock is viable if mid (done it before) but babysitting you need lock down more so a 1-4-4-1 build is recommended. if your babysittting then your not going to be ganking.
you want to know your biggest mistake?
the title.
if it read " Shadow Shaman : A guide to the Seriously scary Super Ganker Shaman" a lot of people will have not commented due to the fact that then they would understand what the build is for.
anyway .... GLHF calm it down lads and lets have some good games :D
Thanks, Smuggels.
Ok, let me explain you why a hero is a support. A hero is a support if it can accomplish a lot without taking farm from your team's core heroes. Core heroes are the heroes on your team that are taking the farm (positions offlane,mid,carry).
So, if you get all these items you say by 20 mins, then you are not supporting, then you are taking farm from your team. That or then the enemy is just walking to you and feeding.
If you go mid with Rhasta, that's okay and all, but then you aren't supporting. Mid-laner is a core position in a team, usually a semi-carry or sometimes even a hard carry. Why is mid-lane a core position? The mid-laner takes farm by lasthitting the creeps and takes exp. Just picking a hero that is usually played as a support doesn't mean you're supporting. If you are a support, your only farm is usually from pulling the lane or doing semi-jungling with some heroes and from ganking. In most cases you will not be last-hitting the creeps in the lane unless your core hero isn't there farming for some reason.
So the point is: supports are in the games because they can have an impact the game without taking farm from your core-heroes who are taking lasthits in lane and taking exp. If any hero has the amount of farm you have on your Rhasta at 20 minutes into the game, that hero is not a support. That hero is a core hero then. That �8 000 gold is gold you could have on your carry or mid or offlane who needs that gold a lot more than you do.
Basically all of this. Rep given.
(the moderators agree with me in this "they told me off before " we dont call people kyfoid OK?)
come on ive been reading these comments and honestly i think we should just chill abit.
yes he wrote a guide containing information that some dont think is *correct* but that doesnt mean it isnt *INcorrect*
Shockserpentsha....ahh *** it ill just call you Shockle.
Now Shockle might have had a couple of games where everything went perfect.
remember those?
i had an SS game where i got first blood and second and third 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th ...
all within 10 mins.
i had aghs refresher Boots of travel and BKB by 20 mins
and it was gg by 25. i had 408 gpm at finish.
BUT in saying that... a NORMAL game wont be like that Shockle.
on average 400 gpm in a 20 min game is .... insane...that means on average you would have to have a kill at least every minute. most people cant do that..hell pro players have trouble with that. so you staunchly defending it is ... unrealistic.
now if you can do this every game then props to you!! well done im sure Na'Vi will love you on their roster.
Na'Vi.Shockles (nice ring to it huh?)
please dont make it sound like this is the best build cause honestly ...its not. early game you actually dont have the mana pool for ether shock hex and shackle. 1-5 mins you wont have the farm, the mana pool or the regen to do the things you say without some seriously stupid players on the opposition. maxing ether shock is viable if mid (done it before) but babysitting you need lock down more so a 1-4-4-1 build is recommended. if your babysittting then your not going to be ganking.
you want to know your biggest mistake?
the title.
if it read " Shadow Shaman : A guide to the Seriously scary Super Ganker Shaman" a lot of people will have not commented due to the fact that then they would understand what the build is for.
anyway .... GLHF calm it down lads and lets have some good games :D
No offence man, that's a compliment.
So, if you get all these items you say by 20 mins, then you are not supporting, then you are taking farm from your team. That or then the enemy is just walking to you and feeding.
If you go mid with Rhasta, that's okay and all, but then you aren't supporting. Mid-laner is a core position in a team, usually a semi-carry or sometimes even a hard carry. Why is mid-lane a core position? The mid-laner takes farm by lasthitting the creeps and takes exp. Just picking a hero that is usually played as a support doesn't mean you're supporting. If you are a support, your only farm is usually from pulling the lane or doing semi-jungling with some heroes and from ganking. In most cases you will not be last-hitting the creeps in the lane unless your core hero isn't there farming for some reason.
So the point is: supports are in the games because they can have an impact the game without taking farm from your core-heroes who are taking lasthits in lane and taking exp. If any hero has the amount of farm you have on your Rhasta at 20 minutes into the game, that hero is not a support. That hero is a core hero then. That ≈8 000 gold is gold you could have on your carry or mid or offlane who needs that gold a lot more than you do.
even if its positive and negative, its okay. no worries !
i want to hear more from you so we can make this guide better.
were friends here.
See you around ! :)