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7 Votes

Shadow Shaman in Mid

December 2, 2011 by kumquat
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HamSandwich (34) | January 4, 2012 9:42am
The reason why bottle is bad is not because bottle is a bad item. The real reason is that it makes it harder to lasthit. It may not seem like very much, but getting +3 or or +6 to stats can often make the difference when harassing or lasthitting. Often doing something like taking tango+salve+4xGG is one of the best ways to play. That way, you have 201 gold left to put towards a bottle, and it's pretty easy to farm 399 gold by 2 minutes into the game.
Bronislava | January 1, 2012 3:26pm
Nice guide ! helped me a lot !
ApprovedPest | January 1, 2012 1:46pm
Bottle is good, but not as starting item. Way to risky to even try that. Besides how hard is it to farm up 600 gold early game
ixFusion (8) | December 10, 2011 2:25pm
My opinion:

Bottle = 3 Salves and 3 Claritys (450 gold) + 150 to be able to pick up runes. Which early runes can make or break a game if used correctly.

The only hero I use Bottle mid on is Mirana and Shadow Shaman so you can spam your Q which annoys the other teams middle and helps your CS. With Mirana bottle I was able to have Manta and BOT in less then 20 minutes.
kumquat (15) | December 10, 2011 1:57pm

Bottle is always bad, why? 90% of the times a support is gonna get the first rune.

This isn't even remotely true.

And by the time of secound rune, you should be able to farm 600 gold to buy a bottle...

You can get 591 gold farmed by the 2 minute mark assuming you have PERFECT last hitting.

Bottle in start is just bad. It gives you nothing more than some regeneratiom...
It gives me the regeneration that I need to establish dominance with ether shock so that I can control the runes and gank easily with guaranteed mana as long as I control the runes.

It is the same as saying, only start with Healing potions...

No it's not.

Why only post part of your guide? Kind of useless if you're just going to tell us to go to another site. I'm not even going to bother clicking the link. But yeah, bottle start on MOST heroes is just bad.

Good for you. I posted a link instead of converting the full guide over for multiple reasons.

1) I post my guide on multiple sites and it's much easier to simply post the link and give a brief introduction to the guide.

2) I worked really hard on the presentation of the guide and moving it over hastily would ruin that.

3) I'd rather someone else didn't make money off of something I wrote.

4) It's not hurting anyone.

5) It was suggested to me by Matt that I should post my guides up here in order to give them more exposure.

6) I don't really like the guide template you guys have here. I'm not saying this in offense, I simply don't like it, personally. I'm not saying it's ugly or bad.

I would ask that if you're not going to constructively criticize the guide or read in depth my reasoning for getting bottle, and just want to poke at the fact that I didn't post the whole guide up, please refrain from doing so. It adds unnecessary and pointless spam that has nothing to do with the content itself and I don't like repeating things I've already explained in my guide. It's sort of the equivalent of me coming into your guide, only looking at the item build, and then bashing it.

You don't have to click the link, and I understand if you don't want to click the link, but you don't need to clutter up what is attempting to be a civil discussion with your announcing that. :)

Pudge. Also other heroes that can get good early hanks and benefit from early runes. Seen it work more than fail.

Good point. This is my reasoning for getting bottle on Shadow Shaman as well. The added mana allows him to harass persistently. If you can deny and last hit persistently, you can even push blood seeker out of the lane because your harass is too much for him to handle unless he has a stready stream of last hits.
Atlas (117) | December 10, 2011 9:09am


Pudge. Also other heroes that can get good early hanks and benefit from early runes. Seen it work more than fail.
PotatisFarfar (11) | December 10, 2011 9:01am
But yeah, bottle start on ALL heroes is just bad.

Atlas (117) | December 10, 2011 7:12am
Why only post part of your guide? Kind of useless if you're just going to tell us to go to another site. I'm not even going to bother clicking the link. But yeah, bottle start on MOST heroes is just bad.
PotatisFarfar (11) | December 10, 2011 6:52am
Bottle is always bad, why? 90% of the times a support is gonna get the first rune.

And by the time of secound rune, you should be able to farm 600 gold to buy a bottle...

Bottle in start is just bad. It gives you nothing more than some regeneratiom...

It is the same as saying, only start with Healing potions...
kumquat (15) | December 10, 2011 3:35am

Someones buys different items then you do, Must call them a complete dumbass and offend them. - Dotafire Logic

I never called him a dumbass. That being said, my issue is that he simply said "Bottle is bad" and refused to give a legitimate reason for why bottle is bad. Theory crafting without backing up your opinions leads to nonsense and ********, and I'd rather have people constructively tell me WHY bottle is bad than just say "bottle is bad"
ixFusion (8) | December 10, 2011 1:18am
Someones buys different items then you do, Must call them a complete dumbass and offend them. - Dotafire Logic
kumquat (15) | December 9, 2011 11:41pm
Thanks :D

Glad you liked it.
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