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Shadow Dancing: A Slark Analysis

July 28, 2014 by jaitara_x
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Fumbles16x (4) | July 28, 2014 2:16pm
I highly recommend adding more items to the build, as the ones you have are quite limited. Also, this guide would benefit greatly from having some formatting and pictures to avoid being just a huge wall of text.

I also disagree some with your skill build. Remember that Dark Pact also damages Slark, so maxing the damage will have quite an effect on him before he's able to keep his health up reliably. Usually maxing Pounce first is the way to go, putting a point in each of your other skills before hitting 6. Before you start using Dark Pact on creepwaves you only need it for the purge, which you get at level 1.

You may want to add some alternate skill builds to fit certain situations. If you're against a trilane by yourself in the offlane, you probably want to put skills into Pounce and Dark Pact, and possibly even stats, to focus on staying alive. If you're against a single hero you could even max Essence Shift for some extra harass.
Elbinac | July 28, 2014 12:54pm
What few times I played Slark I found Soul Ring and Armlet of Mordigan to be fairly useful once level 6 was reached.
I'm curious if you have tried these items and what your assessment of them is.

I'd typically build Ring of Basilius first to make sure I always had Pounce mana early and to help with last hitting.
And a set of Tango's serving as regen until level 6.
I'd disassemble RoB to build Soul Ring and sell the Ring of Protection once it was not as useful unless I felt building Vlad's would work out.
If I was under a lot of harass I'd pick up Poorman's Shield in lane.
Generally first "big" item was Linken's to avoid disables and major targeted abilities.

The play style from there was to activate Armlet + Soul Ring from fog and pounce in on a target.
Then activate Dark Pact when Linken was triggered and Pounce back out.
Heal up in fog and repeat.
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