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Seymore Bot's guide to Global Domination by Timbersaw

August 7, 2013 by Seymore Bot
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Dwemer (1) | August 12, 2013 2:20am
Just for the record, you can attack during Timber Chain in WC3 and use items, in Dota 2, you can't attack but you can use items (except for items like Orchid and Hex).
Mazer Rackham (1) | August 10, 2013 9:48pm
Seymore Bot wrote:

That's very interesting. I imagine it would depend on the flow of the match. Health regen is definitely secondary to mana regen, so getting the void stone is MUCH easier than getting the soul booster. But if you are getting the farm, and mana isn't an issue, then I'm sure going straight to soul booster is viable.

Yeah, like I said it is situational whether to build soul booster or to get perseverance. Soul Booster before perseverance makes a lot of sense when you are midding timber and get a bottle, that way you won't miss the mana regen from the arcanes anywhere near as much, and the survivability and mana pool boost for a 3300 gold item is pretty sweet. The Stats and regen on soul booster is nearly as good as the bloodstone, and if you are already snowballing as timber you can obtain it pretty easily 14 mins into the game.
FancyFish (1) | August 10, 2013 9:48am
Ancient Hero wrote:

+4 HP is just 1 less than a Ring of Health and the 100% MP regen is the same as a void stone. Not to mention the +400 mana and +450 HP. I don't know about you but getting Soul Booster before the Perseverance components makes a lot of sense to me.

Arcane Boots. You want to have these as long as possible for the mana, 10 ms, and to help your teammates. This is more important than 4 hp regen and 100% regen. Also, the point of bloodstone for Timbersaw is mana pool and regen, so, you should get those first. Perseverance also costs less, so it builds easier.
As for the guide, I would recommend brackets. Putting double [] around something in-game like skills, heroes, and items will turn it from Lion to Lion, nd imo, makes it look better. Also, why no Whirling Death? The stat reduction is amazing and really improves your gank, even if only one point in it. Also as for items, Heart and hood imo aren't core, but really nice items to have. Also, no mention of Sheepstick? It's a great disable and awesome stats. Also, I think Ethereal Blade is a bit of a troll item, as Ghost Scepter is legit for the form, but spending 3300 gold is a bit nuts just for a bit of damage. I mean, you don't even have a lot of strength anyways, you could probably do like 300 damage, and then they're in ethereal form. Not worth it, I'd get Shiva and do 200 damage to everyone around me, as well as have an aura and another slow.
Seymore Bot | August 10, 2013 9:05am

Bonus +450 HP
+400 Mana
+4 HP regeneration
+100% Mana regeneration

+4 HP is just 1 less than a Ring of Health and the 100% MP regen is the same as a void stone. Not to mention the +400 mana and +450 HP. I don't know about you but getting Soul Booster before the Perseverance components makes a lot of sense to me.

That's very interesting. I imagine it would depend on the flow of the match. Health regen is definitely secondary to mana regen, so getting the void stone is MUCH easier than getting the soul booster. But if you are getting the farm, and mana isn't an issue, then I'm sure going straight to soul booster is viable.
Seymore Bot | August 10, 2013 9:02am
Xyrus wrote:

+1, well formatted, and your choices are clearly explained. Awesome guide, but could do with a few images to break up the text.

Next time I update it, I'll be sure to include some pictures! Thanks for the advice and kind wordS:)
Mazer Rackham (1) | August 9, 2013 7:41pm
Ancient Hero wrote:

soulboosters gives no regen if im not mistaken. Sometimes they just forgo the RoH since timbersaw has his passive and just go for the voidstone.

Bonus +450 HP
+400 Mana
+4 HP regeneration
+100% Mana regeneration

+4 HP is just 1 less than a Ring of Health and the 100% MP regen is the same as a void stone. Not to mention the +400 mana and +450 HP. I don't know about you but getting Soul Booster before the Perseverance components makes a lot of sense to me.
Ancient Hero (17) | August 9, 2013 5:40pm
soulboosters gives no regen if im not mistaken. Sometimes they just forgo the RoH since timbersaw has his passive and just go for the voidstone.
Mazer Rackham (1) | August 9, 2013 4:25pm
While situational I've noticed a lot of pros putting off getting the perseverance and building the soul booster first. (disassembling arcane boots). It gives you great HP regen (almost ring of health) plus giving a huge boost to your HP and mana pool. Just make sure you don't by accidentally build a vanguard!

miishin (2) | August 8, 2013 7:23pm
Great guide, detailed and clear, you obviously know what you're talking about, but like Xyrus above said:
Awesome guide, but could do with a few images to break up the text.

Also you didn't mention his awesome voice acting at all D:
Xyrus (104) | August 8, 2013 9:29am
+1, well formatted, and your choices are clearly explained. Awesome guide, but could do with a few images to break up the text.
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