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Could you give me proof of this?
Why bother getting a
Do you even know what does semi-support means? Buying a pipe doesn't make you a support at all. Not one bit. -1 for this ****.
1. How is this a semi-support build?
2. What are your reasons for the skill build? (Skipping split shot, replacing it with stats)
3. Why in the world do you get bottle after Skadi?
4. Please justify your skill build. (Unorthodox choices that make medusa tanky without considering spell shield (Heart, Cuirass, etc) and mainly the significance of pipe on medusa rather than a regular pipe-carrying support, plus blink dagger)
5. Is saving a few 100 gold and buying Tranquil boots instead of Treads AND skipping split shot worth it? Considering the possible DPS Medusa can contribute in a teamfight using the latter 2.