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You might want to look at this for help if you want:
I like the guide, now It's really good, not much more to say. Ez +1
Thank you! By the way, that link is very, very useful. Good detail and some tips that are really, really helpful. Thanks a lot :D
I like the guide, now It's really good, not much more to say. Ez +1
You have blood seeker listed in two different buddy spots
I do. That's because he's in the buddy spot for teammates (good teammate) and not buddies by any means (dangerous enemy; should be avoided). Hope this made it clearer :)
By the way, what do you think of the guide?
it rly helps i tried this build for 2 games and i was sick
tnx this is amazing
Good detail, logical explanations, good builds... It's really nice.
I TOTALLY get why everyone got mad for you not putting the blink.... it's needed. Glad it's here now.
Hm... Have you ever tried the bottle rush build? Like
And as has been said, try to go easy on the colours. Highlighting everything is like highlighting nothing, no?
I haven't tried the
At first - you know how to format a guide, but those colors are just terrible. There's too much of it. This is a diary of a teenage girl or what?
As you can now see, the
The only reason I included so much colors is because this is a pretty long guide, and I didn't want it to be a wall of text. You are right, however, they do need a tone-down.
Thanks for the advice :)
UPDATE: The colors are now toned town a BUNCH. Thanks :D
And as has been said, try to go easy on the colours. Highlighting everything is like highlighting nothing, no?
Tried it again, and I've just been using it wrong. Thanks for the advice, I'm actually playing better than ever now :D
How exactly do you have a Mystic Staff as core, but Blink Dagger hardly mentioned..? Let's look at the benefits of each:
I have realized my mistake. Thanks!
A core item is something that you must have to function. A Mystic Staff, and Shivas/Sheepstick for that matter, are situational/luxury at best.
While I now understand that
Like Weaver, a lot of people think that Linken's is the only way to play Puck. BKB is also very useful, because AoE disables can wreck you just as hard as single target spells. You should look at the enemy team's abilities before you start building either one to decide which is better for you.
I deliberately put
Also.. you say not to teamfight in the midgame? As the team's initiator, what are you going to be doing at this time? Your spells should all be leveled by now, at least enough to get the utility from them. A silence and a dream coil are more than enough to be useful in teamfights, and can in fact turn the fights your way. If you aren't fighting midgame you aren't playing puck right. Puck's damage falls off big time late game. Use it as much as you can during the mid when it's most potent.
I don't recall explicitly saying not to teamfight in mid game. The only issue was that I wasn't very clear about teamfights in mid game. The thing is, most major pushes take place during later game, so that was where I decided to emphasize them. I changed it so it now mentions teamfighting and refers to the next section for specific advice.
There should also be some mention of bottle crowing. Puck doesn't actually benefit from runes that much, the bottle is just to keep your health and mana topped off. And against someone with great rune control like Queen of Pain, you can't rely on them to keep you regenerated.
That depends. Your