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4 Votes

Scrubz League Safe-Lane Meepo

April 2, 2014 by Doomsd46
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mattizie | June 8, 2014 9:57pm
I understand that this is a "scrub tier" guide.

But blink + poof really ISN'T that hard, especially when poof is set to auto-cast. And even then; a blink net, and then poof, is infinitely better than just walking in.

A few other things to nit-pick about: get rid of the armlet and bloodstone. Armlet doesn't give your other clones the active, just the extra hp, of which for 500 more gold you could have a plain reaver do exactly the same thing, without the drain.

Even if this build is "for scrubs", you still need to lay down a foundation for what to expect when they get better with the hero, ie. what I said about blink.

Also, whilst you are right about the EHP argument, it is situational on who you play against; a skadi is leaps and bounds better against an Earth Shaker because he doesn't care about your armour.

The reason you stack skadis over hearts is because it is the item that gives you the most stats in game, also the attack slow makes a big difference when fighting lifesteal reliant heroes. A six slotted Meepo is: BoTs, Blink, Aghs, Skadi, Skadi, [Skadi/Sheep].

Regarding your boot choices: I agree that for a new player, tranquils are the best boot for Meepo, but just for your reference; treads is without doubt the best "serious" boot there is. Once you have blink, the extra move speed is not really needed, and when switching to agility mode, will give you an extra 8*3 = 24 damage total (not including extra attack speed) that will immensely help your farming: clearing neutrals, heroes and towers. Also, when combined with Aghs, the bonus is doubled to 16 agi/str/int per Meepo. With extra attack speed equivalent to a hyperstone, each.

Haven't tried AC yet on Meepo, but where in the world did you ever see a Meepo build a Battlefury?
Doomsd46 | April 5, 2014 3:09pm
AqzCamus wrote:

OK so I wasn't going to say anything or even make an acc but

mannnnnnnnnn mannn

I'll just comment on some things you should change

You comment is too long to quote the whole thing so i only quoted the first couple lines.

First, again, this is a guide for the 2k level player not a 5k level player, its supposed to be simple but effective, which it is. In the 2k to 3k range when I play this strategy I usually have Tranqs, Ags and 3 Hearts by about 30 mins (30 - 35 mins) which is really good. Second some things are going to be opinion of course.

As for the Skadi vs. Ethereal Blade and what not. First Skadi is really expensive and the slow is unnecessary totally. Second the amount of Agility from the Ethereal blade even though it does not give you as much strength is far better. Armor is essentially scaling health. What I mean by that is you can convert armor to an equivalent amount of health. Now the reason this is is good is because lets say you have a Meepo with Tranqs (4 armor) an Ags, 3 Hearts and then you build an ***ualt Cuirass (15 armor on the main one). Lets say you are or very near level 25 as well. For the main Meepo you have 15 armor + 4 is 19 plus whatever added armor you have from your stats, lets say you have 25 total. At level 25 with those items you have about 5000 health. The formula for equivalent health is as follows;

MaxHP*(Armor Points*0.06+1) = Equivalent HP

If we check this with this build you main Meepo will get;

5000*(25*0.06+1) = 12500 Health

Yes that is right, you have the equivalent of 12500 health. The other Meepos will be a little bit less but still very high as well. Armor is ridiculous, getting strength for health is good, but the amount a few armor points can add to you if far more because its based on your max HP which is why Agility is really good to have for the added armor.

As another example lets say you have a hero that has 2200 health and 4 armor. Your equivalent health is 2728. Now you build a set of Tranquil Boots giving 4 armor all the time. With 4 more armor you have EHP of 3256, you have given yourself a little more then 500HP with just a set of cheap boots. Now lets say you spend 550 gold on a chainmail giving 5 more armor, EHP now is 3916, it gives almost 700 HP for 550 gold. Armor is probably the cheapest but best way to give yourself health in a sense because of how it scales.

It is for this reason that you want as much Agility as possible because it gives you added armor and armor scales where as you get a set amount of health for every point of strength.

If we apply this to the Skadi and Ethereal Blade we can look at it 2 ways, how much do you technically gain from each item, and how much does it actually add in the long run. The items itself are as follows;

25 strength and agility giving 25*19*(3.25*0.06+1) = ~568 health

Ethereal Blade;
10 strength and 40 agility giving 10*19*(5.2*0.06+1) = ~250 health

So it appears the Skadi is better, but is it really?

If you have no items what so ever and you plan on either buying a Skadi or Ethereal Blade, the Ethereal Blade becomes better after lvl 17. However, you generally do have other items (Boots and Ags at least) and it comes out that its about level 12 or 13 that the Ethereal blade becomes better. If you can get a Skadi before then it is better, but in the long run the Ethereal Blade is a better item mid and late game. I doubt that either of these items will be built before level 15, so really the Ethereal Blade cost less and is the better item.

One final example to really drive the point home. Lets say you are some hero, any hero and you currently have 3000 health and you decide to spend 3200 gold on a Reaver for more health. The Reaver gives 25*19 = 475 health. You have spent 3200 gold and you now have 3475 health. Now lets say everything is the same but instead of buying the Reaver you only have enough to buy a Chain mail. You spend 550 gold and get 5 armor. That 5 armor will give you the equivalent of 900 health, 500 health more then a Reaver for 2650 LESS gold.

Strength is a great way to get some raw health and for early game, but it does not scale. Armor scales with your max health, so mid and late game it is a cheaper solution to survivability.

Blink dagger is too hard for new and low level people although the shadow blade is easier but the same idea, I still left it out. I know that feeling of teammates screwing you over though, I have had people force a Trilane with me as Meepo because they don't want me to feed but it slows the leveling prcoess (And less last hits because they are fools and sit and autoattack everything).
AqzCamus | April 5, 2014 7:10am
OK so I wasn't going to say anything or even make an acc but

mannnnnnnnnn mannn

I'll just comment on some things you should change

5k-6k player.. skilled invoker + meepo

the only two mid / late game boots for meepo - Threads or Travel

late game travel is #1 ofc.. especially on meepo... early game threads is the strongest esp if u switch before poofing creeps [and even enemies but mainly creeps]

and agi switch for pushing

generally else u want on Str.. it makes a BIG difference

no blink dagger is ok... shadow blade is a slightly more expensive and interesting sub to it but this u can ignore [both ]

Here is where u goofed...

no skadi

basically if the game is literally " Anyones game but long AF " and u have enough gold

the best 6 items meepo could have ever is always going to be

BoTs, Agha, Skadi + 3 other situational

usually the 3 others are 3 Skadis or 1 Heart + 2 Skadis or 3 hearts.. or even 2-2

with core situational items = E blade... Skadi is more tankiness overall because the armor gains start to become **** and then eHP from skadi so much more powerful.. 1 skadi is all the int u could need unless enemy has tons of mana burning

E blade is indeed the best DPS item for meepo

and if you dont need the +HP and +15 extra STR that skadi provides it is better to stack eblades after at least 1 skadi

armlet is very situational OR bad

Bloodstone and AC are situational.. and almost equal [with AC being more preferred ]

Sheep stick is situational and bc of Uorb you still get some hp.. aside from the dps loss from choosing it over e blade or instead of getting another e blade.. u still keep some of the dps and u get HEX... which is a good disable

very situational but better then armlet = Orchids... con: no survivability

a truly difficult meepo game comes down to pushing and backdooring with all 5 [since he can indeed beat the regen and take raxes or even the game ]

Which is why these 3 are core: Travel, Aghs, Skadi [ at least one ]

if you are ever unsure always get those 3... and then 1 heart.. with 2 more skadis

so... Travel, aghs, skadi , heart , 2 skadis... is pretty much a go to 'all around build' though

generally you will never finish the 2nd skadi.. and you definitely won't get 6 item unless you really get a lot of gold and the game is epic and being defended well by both sides

I have tested this and

one more thing

I've literally never lost any meepo game purely due to my fault

it's funny because I've had an occasional game where its a mega feed by me... but I literally play with the same people next game [mostly] but the laning ally of mine is actually not bad

and I end up dominating and they go " wtf why did you play so **** in the previous game that we won " and I didn't I just literally got screwed by my team mate

Also I sometimes to pure solo or mid lane solo meepo

experimenting with jungle meepo also.. it can be done but might be annoying till u get 2 meepos and lvl 2 poof but the stacking and clearing power ofc can put you in line with where meepo should be.. esp if you micro and sit in lane .. semi exp leaching and ganking lane with all ur meepos since you gain more % of tha xp obviously

Go try it out if you don't believe
Doomsd46 | April 3, 2014 5:51pm
mastadoom wrote:

I have a problem with some of your item choices, tranquils were really good for meepo before they got reworked, but since you are playing him in a farming roll, tranquils really don't benifit you, if anything just leave them as brown boots and go on with your life.

You don't recommend a blink dagger which is kills me inside, net a person, get all your meepos to channel to yuor main, blink on top of the person. They die instantly.

And last but not lest the skadi, you don't get that for the slow, you get it for the stats, meepo loves stats, 3rd most stat intensive hero in my book, and skadi gives the best overall stats of any single item.

Transquils still work really well actually for new players. All you have to do is stay in XP range (Which is a pretty large area) and wait until they heal you up. Meepo's base armor is really high, doubling it in 2 mins with a fairly inexpensive item really helps him. The fact they give more movement speed while off then any other boot besides Travels is another bonus because Meepo is fairly fast to begin with with 305 MS, so it makes it good for chasing people down or running away. The less time you can spend out of lane the better with Meepo so the cooldown isn't a huge deal as long as you stay in XP range, even if you can't the speed they heal you at reduces time out of lane, and it saves money not having to buy regen items if you still refuse to go back to base. I have found this does get you an Ags faster by as much as a few minutes.

You are right, Blink Dagger is ridiculously good, however remember that the Blink Dagger Poof Combo can be hard to pull off, I have seen high level players have a hard time with it, let alone low level players. This guide is supposed to be as simple as possible and a new player would probably really struggle with a Blink Dagger. But you are right, amazing item.

Its true that the Skadi gives a ton of stats which is really good, but Int isn't really too important generally, he has low mana costs and a decent enough mana pool after like level 5. For Stats an Ethereal Blade is preferable because it gives you some Str to increase Health, some Int, but a ton of Agility giving you more armor, more attack speed and more autoattack damage making it in my opinion a better item to have and costing almost 1000 gold less. It really helps for melting buildings especially.
Doomsd46 | April 3, 2014 5:38pm
swift_icarus wrote:

nice guide. i am in your mmr-range and it is nice to see a good guide for someone at our level of skill instead of assuming you are dendi.

i upvoted you to get you off on the right foot.

that being said, i think mek and vlad's are good choices on meepo. they really make your life a lot safer as you transition into late game. they are also both cheap - you can get BOTH of them for the price of a scepter (practically).

i think you should also mention boots of travel. although they require a bit more microing (less skilled players should not really be scattering their meepos over the map) boots of travel basically lets you teleport all over the map with zero cooldown. very useful and great counter to natures prophet.

First off, thank you for the up vote, second I am glad you liked the guide. Most low level players can micro 2 Meepo's, I feel that shouldn't be too hard for them to do killing the easy camp or pulling it then watching the Meepo in lane. With that, you can start snowballing enough that you can then group 3+ of them up and play them as the Meepo Train which is really the only way a low level player can play him. But it works well and he is really fun to play. And glad you noticed I tried to go for straight for build these items and you should be good. I really would like to see him played more and not so many people afraid of him. I see too many guides suggesting a Blink Dagger on him, which is a ridiculous item if you can combo it properly but no one can hardly.

Interesting note, it was a "Dendi Plays Meepo" video I watched that I figured out how to play Meepo in this fashion, it showed mostly highlights but he had all 5 grouped together and was running them around murdering everyone rather then Microing. N0Tail I have seen micro Meepo a ton, he will have the main Meepo pushing a lane, 2 in the jungle farming and another 2 in another lane pushing, he micros them very well.

Read this guide from Purge;
In it it explains why Vlads is not a good item to rush or necessarily build, and he is right, at our level usually someone else is building or has built one by the point in time where Meepo needs it I have found in most cases. I mean Meepo does do a alot of damage, with 5 Meepo's doing 100 damage each its like have one hero doing 500 damage per hit, but at 15% lifesteal, that is only 15hp to each Meepo every time they hit, assuming your target doesn't just melt from the poofs. That is my reasoning behind why you can spend the 2k gold better. Mek does come in handy its more my opinion that I feel its not the best item anymore. To make the guide as simple as possible its got mostly items that really benefit you without you having to use them because the less to think about for a new Meepo player the better.

Boots of Travel don't even require Microing if you don't want. You can literally use them to TP the main Meepo out and Poof the rest to him, or run him around net a target then Poof them all to you which requires no microing and would be possible for a lower level player to accomplish.
mastadoom (7) | April 3, 2014 5:37pm
I have a problem with some of your item choices, tranquils were really good for meepo before they got reworked, but since you are playing him in a farming roll, tranquils really don't benifit you, if anything just leave them as brown boots and go on with your life.

You don't recommend a blink dagger which is kills me inside, net a person, get all your meepos to channel to yuor main, blink on top of the person. They die instantly.

And last but not lest the skadi, you don't get that for the slow, you get it for the stats, meepo loves stats, 3rd most stat intensive hero in my book, and skadi gives the best overall stats of any single item.
fuqbithesgitmoney | April 3, 2014 1:18pm
Trash guide. If you don't have battlefury on a melee hero you will be stuck in trench tier. You have to practice using bfury to farm with your main meepo. you clear ancient stacks super fast.
swift_icarus | April 3, 2014 1:02pm
nice guide. i am in your mmr-range and it is nice to see a good guide for someone at our level of skill instead of assuming you are dendi.

i upvoted you to get you off on the right foot.

that being said, i think mek and vlad's are good choices on meepo. they really make your life a lot safer as you transition into late game. they are also both cheap - you can get BOTH of them for the price of a scepter (practically).

i think you should also mention boots of travel. although they require a bit more microing (less skilled players should not really be scattering their meepos over the map) boots of travel basically lets you teleport all over the map with zero cooldown. very useful and great counter to natures prophet.
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