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Scree'auk's Talon: UnrulySupportGuy's guide to a Mid Venge

June 28, 2015 by UnrulySupportGuy
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UnrulySupportGuy (1) | July 20, 2015 9:03pm

All mid Venge games, if you'd like to review them. Ovbiously as I've stated before a mid venge is not suited for every lineup and due to my recent skill bracket increase I've been running her offlane instead of mid just for the ability to shut down carries early to allow my carries to farm.
ChiChi (47) | July 1, 2015 10:20am
I don't agree with you for the most part, but I respect your opinion - specially if you leave here some sample game of yours where I can jugde it for myself, I would be grateful for that.
UnrulySupportGuy (1) | June 30, 2015 8:40pm
There is no reward for dying in any of the last two patches due to rubber band mechanics being stretched and yanked on, if you'll pardon the pun, and at level 1 with the item choices, Venge has 6.78 armor and 50 damage, which anyone who can play Sniper or SF mid should be able to last hit with perfectly fine and i you get ganked, there are few heroes that can take her out, especially in his patch since the squishier mid heroes are rewarded as high-risk high-reward, such as QOP and SF, who don't have armor or health, something Venge flourishes against.

As for your second part of your argument, again there's no reward to dying in this patch as levels matter just as much as items and towers, and with a handy Blink Dagger you can swap and just double tap the blink to leave easily without any effort since it's not like Swap has a cast animation nor is it incredibly flashy, so most people won't realize it's happened. You'll simply have to trust me in the way I play Venge and how I haven't lost a single match since this build. And you'll see that under the late game chapter I wrote:

Especially late game, Venge, I feel, falls off to where she can't 1v1 any cores past the 35 minute mark, even if she has ridiculously good itemization and levels, because they'll have the same stuff and more than likely be better suited for that, like Slark or Faceless Void or even a Warlock with Aghanim's Scepter you may have trouble with.

I know her shortcomings and her strenghts. :p
ChiChi (47) | June 29, 2015 10:58am
Disclaimer: I've never played mid Venge. That said, I'm not really sure about your idea. At level 5, all you have is a 1.45 stun and minus 6 armor to offer (the bonus damage from the aura is still neglegible). What will you do if ganked mid, take their armor and die? Also, if you use her wave constantly, as you suggest, you will push whatever lane you're in, in a moment where that's not benefitial yet. Not to mention you probably didn't go mid yet to someone very experienced, because if you had you would surely experience trouble with the low range and damage output in the early that Venge has (unless you Magic Missile creeps. That's legit).

I've seen various #3 and higher Venges, and they weren't as benefitial as a #4 or #5 Venge. This is manly because she was made to die - look at her Vengeance Aura with attention, and the damage reduction it inflicts on the enemy team. If you go a #3 Venge, you can't afford to die as easily, thus you can't Nether Swap at will, or if you do you're losing a lot of invested money. Seems really counterintuitive and believe me, I've seen core Venge's fall off in the mid to any other carry, so why should we limit her that way. You say she doesn't cope well with Boots of Speed + Force Staff, but I think she is one of the few heroes that does cope with it at ease - of course that a Solar Crest would always be good on her, but then again you can work for it as a Luxury item in a bad game and still be very useful.

Although I don't agree with your idea on her role, I like your item choices for a #3 Venge.
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