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All mid Venge games, if you'd like to review them. Ovbiously as I've stated before a mid venge is not suited for every lineup and due to my recent skill bracket increase I've been running her offlane instead of mid just for the ability to shut down carries early to allow my carries to farm.
As for your second part of your argument, again there's no reward to dying in this patch as levels matter just as much as items and towers, and with a handy
Especially late game, Venge, I feel, falls off to where she can't 1v1 any cores past the 35 minute mark, even if she has ridiculously good itemization and levels, because they'll have the same stuff and more than likely be better suited for that, like
I know her shortcomings and her strenghts. :p
I've seen various #3 and higher Venges, and they weren't as benefitial as a #4 or #5 Venge. This is manly because she was made to die - look at her
Although I don't agree with your idea on her role, I like your item choices for a #3 Venge.