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64 Votes

Scratch my back?

August 25, 2013 by fabioisonfire
Comments: 25    |    Views: 502519    |   

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FerreroRocher | October 6, 2015 1:39am
Thanks to your guide, I got a RAMPAGE for my first bristleback game.
armc3j (3) | March 19, 2015 9:50pm
Great job on the formatting. Definitely a +1 here.
Just a couple things though:

Please add Doom and Legion Commander.. When they are farmed, they will wreck Bristleback by completely negating his passive.
Also, why no Sange and Yasha in situational? It he extra movespeed and attack speed Is nice, as well as the damage and maim chance? I generally pick one up instead of a heavens halberd, if the enemy doesn't have a strong right-clicker.

Good job though mate
TheGooGaming (29) | March 19, 2015 8:42pm
You get my +1 just from the formatting.
Harmless Elephant Tails | March 19, 2015 8:31pm
Great guide man! I think not building vanguard i a good Idea since just buying the vitality booster will help build to a heart or tara.. whatever plus the vanguard sets you back on other more useful end game items s I completely agree with you. However magic stick is a HUGE problem as it allows the enemy to turn your spam into constant mana and healing..... +1.
OctoHat | December 5, 2014 6:07am
eh "Precision Aura also buffs your physical attacks like Quill Spray." doesnt work lel
Holzklotzkillah | April 6, 2014 5:05am
Not sure, if Doom damage gets reduced by Bristleback, as doom simply disables all abilities including passives (i.e. Phantom Assassin's Coupe de Grace and Lifestealer's Feast get disabled, too). Thus, Bristleback shouldn't work at all while doomed.
drcoolbeans | February 2, 2014 11:15am
Very good alt BB guide, I especially love the back and side angle description, however a warning against players new to bristleback. Do not learn BB with this guide! Find a tanky build first, and then practice this one situationally. I am not new to DOTA but fairly new to BB. I used this in a solo offlane against a pro CM and WD and got my *** kicked! Sometimes you can go damage, but if you've got a hard lane, you need early points in the BB passive and quills. Disables and slows early game (before warpath kicks in) can demolish you early game giving you no gold for items, and death if you even think about leaving the safety of that tower.
7Kushi (1) | January 11, 2014 5:14pm
DemonBalls123 | November 18, 2013 4:29am
Love this guide, love Bristleback too. +1
BefjurH | November 15, 2013 4:27pm
Great guide, definite +1 from me.

Bristleback has been my 'go-to' hero recently, when I'm tired and don't want to think too much and just have some fun in DOTA. I generally was picking Vanguard/Blademail every match - very well reasoned explanation as to why not to do so, due to this guide I'm going to play around with my build more.

And, any build that can use Venom Orb is +1 for me (such a cheap item).

Entenei (2) | September 25, 2013 2:41am
I decided to include Medallion of Courage in the main build over Urn of Shadows because it is easier to build and costs less.

Can you please explain this? to me the urn of shadows costs less and is easier to build too?
Other then that awesome guide :)
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